Trump shot in assassination attempt by the Deep State, now 3 attempts!

This video is probably at least partially made by AI, but seems to focus on just facts as we know it. Worth a watch.

One thing it does show is more recent pictures of the shooter than the 8th grade picture the media will only show. The more recent photos do show him a little older with long hair. He looks pretty close to the transgender pic earlier this thread. It's probably him after all. The official "fact check" went from claiming it wasn't him at all, to now just a very loose "he's not transgender", meaning the photos are probably real.

The screenshot used for the thumbnail is clickbait. Tucker is not in the video and the exact pic of him is not shown.
This was 100% an inside job. 3 (THREE) snipers abandoned their post overlooking the roof Crooks used. There is video showing out the window where they were supposed to be posted and it is ridiculously close to where Crooks was.

Trump Assassin INSIDE JOB?!?! Huge BOMBSHELL As 3 Agents Abandoned Post At The EXACT Perfect Moment​

This could go in other threads like the proof of propaganda thread and others. We should also have a 3 letter agency thread. Robert mentioned conspiracy theories on the left that Trump wasn't really shot. The FBI director the other day made a statement that Trump may not have actualy been shot and it may have been shrapnel. Ignore the HD video footage and pics showing the actual bullet in the air and ignore the doctors who treated him he essentially said. The 3 letter agency FBI is forced to admit the truth.

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Linda Peterson, owner of Luna Sheen Yoga in Port Charlotte, Florida. This is a fairly default position of Democrats, including celebs such as Jack Black and so many others. I'm hearing from many people I know that they are losing friends due to such derangement.

Owner of Florida Yoga Studio Celebrates Death of Firefighter Praises Trump Shooter

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Peterson’s inciteful post on social media read, “Damn it he didn’t die. Well, at least one supporter did. I’ll take what I can get.”

That comment led to outrage by many 2.1 million people who saw the message. In that post she called for the assassination of former President Trump.

“My heart goes out to the family of the shooter,” she said. “Know that he died doing what needed to be done. Hopefully, someone will accomplish the task before we vote.”

Afterward, Peterson remained non-remorseful and defiant of the outlast her comments garnered.

“To all who hate me and are commenting in Messenger, I haven’t even looked at this page in a good long while. So your comments aren’t hurting me or my business any. But if you feel the need,” she posted on Facebook before locking down all of her social media accounts.

Peterson did not answer the phone listed at the business for comment.
this person is nuts. there's NO reason to celebrate anyone's death JUST because they have silly ideas.

Ok, it was a good thing that Hitler killed himself only because he could no longer cause harm to others in any way. But he also killed HIMSELF and he was about to be captured by the russians anyway. I would only celebrate the fact that no one else could be harmed by his actions and words. I know it's a subtle difference, but take this however you like.
Inside job.

Fuming police officer says he told Secret Service to secure Trump shooter building days before rally: bodycam

Speaking to another officer, he says, "I talked to the Secret Service guys, and they were like, ‘Yeah, no problem, we’re going to post guys over here.'"

A few minutes later, the Butler Township police officer speaks to a countersniper and reiterates his claims that he told the Secret Service to have agents at the venue.

"I told the Secret Service, post a f---ing guy over here. I told them that f---ing at the meeting on Tuesday."


Agreed, killing fellow humans or promoting hurting others is always wrong. I can understand why the sniper that shot Trump in the ear got taken out though. They wanted to prevent him for hurting and killing more people. But they could have learned so much more if they stunned him with a stun dart or some other type of stunning tool. Now we will never know what made him go crazy and hurt and kill people. Iranian plant? Just another nutty person that shoots up public places? Radicalized waco with bizarre ideas? Now we won’t ever know.
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Biden Calls On Supporters To ‘Beat The Hell Out Of’ Republicans: ‘I Mean It’

“Is this a call to violence?” asked the Libs of TikTok account on X that is operated by Chaya Raichik and has more than 3.3 million followers.

“If Trump said this, it would be wall-to-wall coverage on MSNBC for the next three weeks,” responded Collin Rugg, who has an X account with 1.4 million followers. He also quipped that The Washington Post “would be putting the ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness’ banner up.”


Agreed, killing fellow humans or promoting hurting others is always wrong. I can understand why the sniper that shot Trump in the ear got taken out though. They wanted to prevent him for hurting and killing more people. But they could have learned so much more if they stunned him with a stun dart or some other type of stunning tool. Now we will never know what made him go crazy and hurt and kill people. Iranian plant? Just another nutty person that shoots up public places? Radicalized waco with bizarre ideas? Now we won’t ever know.
so far whatever they found on his phone/computer/whatever seems to indicate a depressed loner who just loved guns.

That doesn't mean we understand fully what was going on in his head, but it sure seems as if he as the only person involved in shooting at people there.
as to the sniper, that's their call. I don't tell other people how to do their jobs, however much I would prefer less death.

What continues to piss me off is that the media and most other people still never mention the man that was killed and the two who were shot and will have a long recovery. Then and their families are the REAL victims here. And I'm also including the parents of the shooter because apparently they didn't see what was troubling their son. They have to feel horrible.
They know they can't beat him at the ballot box legitimately.

They know they can't beat him at the ballot box legitimately.

FBI investigating another attempted assassination of Trump | REUTERS​

The party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK (v1 & v2) etc keeping on doing what they do.

Democrat Sheriff: Trump Doesn’t Get Full Protection Because He’s Only A Candidate

“And at this level that he is at right now, he’s not the sitting president,” he continued. “If he was, we would have had this entire golf course surrounded. But because he’s not, the security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible.”

If your eyes aren't open yet, I got nothing for ya. Sheep will be sheep I suppose.

What we know about Ryan Routh, the man in custody linked to apparent Trump assassination attempt

Public records in North Carolina Routh was registered as an “unaffiliated” voter without a party in 2012. He voted in that state’s Democratic primary in March of this year, according to the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

Routh has contributed more than $100 to ActBlue, which processes donations for Democrats, federal campaign finance records show.

Routh tried to recruit Afghan soldiers fleeing the Taliban to fight in Ukraine, and spent several months in the country, according to an interview with The New York Times last year.

Son Of Would-Be Assassin Bashes Trump, Suggests Dad Was Trying To Be A ‘Martyr’

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Oran Routh, 35, said his father hates Trump, as “every reasonable person does,” adding, “I don’t like Trump either.”

“I hate this game every four years, and think that we all do, and if my father wants to be a martyr to how broken and disassociated the process has become from the real problems and practical solutions, then that’s his choice,” Oran added, seeming to justify his father’s alleged plot to kill Trump.

This your brain on MSM.

Did Ryan Routh have inside info on Trump’s movements? Ex-FBI official calls possibility ‘scary’

Chris Swecker, a retired FBI assistant director, told Newsweek that the feds and other law enforcement will be probing how the suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, allegedly appeared to know Trump would be at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday.

“The biggest question to answer is: ‘How did the would-be assassin know to be at that location at that time?'” said Swecker, who worked on FBI criminal investigations.

“There are only three possible answers: He guessed and got very lucky; he conducted surveillance on Trump and followed him to the golf course, or he had inside information about Trump’s schedule.”

He added: “The last answer is scary and has implications that another person was involved.”

Trump's decision to play a round of golf yesterday was a "last minute" one. This guy had inside information on when exactly Trump would be at what hole on that course.