Two of Obama's sons beat 88 year old WWII vet to death


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Teen charged, second sought in beating death of WWII vet, 88, in Spokane, Wash.

Belton's daughter-in-law, Barbara Belton, told NBC News that doctors said his face was battered so badly that they couldn't stop the bleeding.

Demetrius Glenn, accompanied by his lawyer, turned himself in to police Thursday night, police said. He will appear in court Monday on charges of first-degree murder and first-degree robbery in the savage assault Wednesday night on Delbert "Shorty" Belton, who was found wedged between the seats of his car in the parking lot of an Eagles lodge in North Spokane.
I wonder who their parents voted for?

The suspects are black and Belton was white, but Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub said race didn't appear to be a factor in the attack.

Of course not, because...



Yup, they look like Obama's sons and the victim was white. Race couldn't possibly be a factor here. If Delbert "Shorty" Belton had a gun and defended himself, he would have been alive but probably would have to stand trial for murder as George Zimmerman did.
It happens every day, yet you never hear about it. Just like Australian college student Christopher Lane who was mudered.

Belton took a bullet in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa. He was hailed for his warmth, compassion, and spirit by all who knew him. The police are treating his murder as a random thrill killing; there’s no evidence that he and the assailants knew each other, and it doesn’t appear to have been a robbery.

We all know what the headlines would say if a couple of white teenagers beat a black World War II veteran to death. I guess we’re supposed to be queasy about even discussing this obvious truth. That’s no way to conduct an honest “national conversation on race,” but of course, the conversation isn’t really supposed to be honest.

Since no guns were involved, the left-wing media has no idea how to spin this story. We must await the hopefully swift capture of the thugs who killed Delbert Belton to learn more about their motives, and why they chose him for a target. His heartless murder comes hard on the heels of anotherhorrifying thrill killing, the murder of Australian college student Christopher Lane. We all know what coverage would be like if several outrageous crimes that fit into a preferred liberal narrative occurred in rapid succession.

In the case of Lane’s murder, the mainstream press is laboring mightily not to report on evidence of a hate crime. The New York Post reports on the lively Twitter feed of 15-year-old James Edwards:
Edwards, who is black, tweeted in April, “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.”
Three days before Lane, who was white, was fatally shot last Friday while jogging, Edwards tweeted, “With my n—as when it’s time to start taken life’s.”
And one day before the murder, he wrote on Facebook, “I’ve never been this made in my life.”
In another post that day, he wrote cryptically, “Bang 2 drops in one day.”
The man who put authorities on the trail of Lane’s killers is firmly convinced the attack was not the result of boredom, as the teens have claimed, but instead was part of a gang initiation ritual:
Another Duncan resident, James Johnson, who is black, said he alerted police when the teens threatened to kill his son because the youth had refused to join their gang, an offshoot of the Crips.
Johnson called police, who quickly arrested the three teens in their black Ford Focus in the parking lot of a church near his home.
Johnson suggested one other explanation for the murder, claiming Lane’s death was an “initiation” rite for the gang. “I don’t think it was an initiation; I know it was an initiation,” he told Australian media. “My son told me that it was an initiation.”
Another Twitter message from Edwards, reported by theDaily Caller, implied that he randomly attacked several white people after the George Zimmerman not-guilty verdict was handed down: “Ayee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!
lol s**t ima keep sleepin s**t.”
I never knew Obama had so many kids!
Obama triplet sons!

after they got off the bus, they went to the store for some Arizona Watermelon and skittles
Obama triplet sons!

This shit literally happens every day across the country but doesn't make it past the local media(s). Countless thousands of incidents every year and no one ears about it, yet one hispanic kills a black youth in obvious self defense and we are told how there needs to be "an honest dialogue about race" in the US.

Race relations have taken 3 steps back thanks to Obama:mad: Worst president in US history:madashell:
I wonder who their parents voted for?
While Washington State had one of the highest voter turn outs in the nation minority turn out wasn't as high as whites. Also, people in poverty tend to vote less often than middle or upper class. It wouldn't surprise me if the answer is no one.
This shit literally happens every day across the country but doesn't make it past the local media(s). Countless thousands of incidents every year and no one ears about it, yet one hispanic kills a black youth in obvious self defense and we are told how there needs to be "an honest dialogue about race" in the US.
The problem here is not that we heard of Zimmerman, the problem is we're not hearing of the others. While murder is at a near all time low, it still is something we should be addressing.

Race relations have taken 3 steps back thanks to Obama:mad: Worst president in US history:madashell:
Wow in 6 years you completely erased the previous 8? You might want to go to a Dr. and have that memory checked.
Wow in 6 years you completely erased the previous 8? You might want to go to a Dr. and have that memory checked.

How did race relations take a step back under GW Bush? I'll be waiting for your answer.
How did race relations take a step back under GW Bush? I'll be waiting for your answer.
You made 2 charges but assigned to your selected preference?
Race relations have taken 3 steps back thanks to Obama:mad: Worst president in US history
Obama isn't the best president but he's clearly not the worst either. Again roll back your memory to 2001-2009 and you'll find a much, much better option for worst President ever.

As for race relations you may want to look at Gallup Polling on Race What you'll find is satisfaction in life reported between whites, blacks, and Hispanics are the closest ever, nearly the same. You'll find mixed race marriages is at the highest % of population giving their approval ever. You'll find a 52% of blacks are dissatisfied with social treatments, but this is an improvement over the Bush era. And ratings of race relations, except for Hispanic - Black, are at a near all time high. The Hispanic-Black one took a hit post Zimmerman.

I appreciate Florida and MN are different areas and we both have our biases based on our local and personal relations. Thus, I think the wider representation of the USA provided by a nationwide polling firm that's been studying these same questions since the late 50s is a better representation of the state of race relations than your, or mine, personal opinions. Also, the nationwide polling data supports how race relations dropped during Bush and have increased post Bush.
don't waste time in what is probably the most racist thread made on this board to date :rolleyes:
This whole 'gangsta' subculture is racist, degrading towards women (femmophobic?), homophobic and glorifies violence in general, as well as it glorifies ignorance.
It should be dealt with thoroughly but this lumping blacks to gangsta subculture is preventing this whole discussion at the very root. From a black p.o.v. I really understand the frustration to be equalled to those chavs.
This whole 'gangsta' subculture is racist, degrading towards women (femmophobic?), homophobic and glorifies violence in general, as well as it glorifies ignorance.
It should be dealt with thoroughly but this lumping blacks to gangsta subculture is preventing this whole discussion at the very root. From a black p.o.v. I really understand the frustration to be equalled to those chavs.

the inner city "gangsta" has become the dominate black culture, and the blacks who reject the ghetto culture are called "oreo's", "Uncle Toms", or a "cornball brother"
This whole 'gangsta' subculture is racist, degrading towards women (femmophobic?), homophobic and glorifies violence in general, as well as it glorifies ignorance.
The word you're looking for is misogynistic.
Your last point 'glorifies ignorance' is definitely the root of the problem.

the inner city "gangsta" has become the dominate black culture
Gangsta culture is far more than black dominating. The white gang - Aryan Brotherhood makes up a minority of the prison population. But, they make up a majority of the prison killings. Various Hispanic gangs (eg. MS-13, Latin Kings) are some of the most actively dangerous street gangs. Asian gangs and Somali gangs are very active in the St.Paul, MN area. Not to mention the Native American gangs. Gang culture is a minority problem, not just a black problem.
Typical Democrat response.
except I'm not a democrat, mr dounchbag

in any case your response indicates you feel guilty.

for me racism isn't some academic concept. It's personal. I've seen my friends being attacked.
Intelligent, wonderful People I love and deeply care for attacked by uneducated asswipes

It makes me want to slap people's faces. It makes very very angry.

so continue to marginalize humans to some small minded political bullshit. It shows your true colors