Two of Obama's sons beat 88 year old WWII vet to death

GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal: Racism Wouldn’t Exist If Minorities Would Just Act Like White People (VIDEO)

Did you read the article?

“We still place far too much emphasis on our ‘separateness,’ our heritage, ethnic background, skin color, etc. We live in the age of hyphenated Americans: Asian-Americans, Italian-Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Indian-Americans, and Native Americans, to name just a few. Here’s an idea: How about just ‘Americans?’ That has a nice ring to it, if you ask me. Placing undue emphasis on our ‘separateness’ is a step backward. Bring back the melting pot. There is nothing wrong with people being proud of their different heritages. We have a long tradition of folks from all different backgrounds incorporating their traditions into the American experience, but we must resist the politically correct trend of changing the melting pot into a salad bowl. E pluribus Unum.”

Very poorly written article by someone with an agenda. Amazing how the author came to the conclusion that an American of Indian heritage thinks minorities should act like white people when he never said such a thing.

But hey, say the color orange with is really purple through today's media and most of the lemmings will believe it.
So, the black urban gangstas hate the blacks who crawled out of the ghetto, but you still consider them Obama voters. And you hate the cornball brothers because they actually did vote for Obama. Did I get that right?
No, you did not get that right
["We all know he has a white fiancee. There was all this talk about how he's a Republican ...

the "cornball brothers" didn't vote for Obama ...
GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal: Racism Wouldn’t Exist If Minorities Would Just Act Like White People (VIDEO)
Clearly the problem is people that don't act white are so dumb they elect a Kenyan as President.

I'm surprised you haven't picked up on the 'Obama Boyz' news. Come on the first black gangsta's to be named after change and hope, who are murders as well. You're missing this big window!

I'm surprised you haven't picked up on the 'Obama Boyz' news. Come on the first black gangsta's to be named after change and hope, who are murders as well. You're missing this big window!

I don't follow rap at all.
I don't follow rap at all.
After I just explained that a black street gang named themselves after Obama you accuse them of rapping? I hope you realize how racist that sounded.
After I just explained that a black street gang named themselves after Obama you accuse them of rapping? I hope you realize how racist that sounded.

Sorry, I guess you never heard of 'gangsta rap' in that lilly white gated community you live in.
You didn't read the article either.
Yeah read the Politico article. I don't think the author is far off. I think Jindal tries hard to talk about judging people on their merit. But, he also comments that Asian-American (and other identifications) are too unique to fit into his version of the Great American Melting Pot. Jindal comments that pride in heritage is too great and blames them for holding on too much of their uniqueness and thereby not fitting into American society. He really does make a demand for people to be more like others around them and thereby blames the victims for not doing enough to be 'American'.
Sorry, I guess you never heard of 'gangsta rap' in that lilly white gated community you live in.

Gee, I wonder how I could confused the two?




Kenan Adams-Kinard, 16, was captured early this morning along with several other people who were aiding him.​
Adams-Kinard is believed to have received help while on the lam, according to police. “Several other people with him have been arrested for rendering criminal assistance,” according to Spokane Police spokeswoman Monique Cotton. (link)
Sorry, I guess you never heard of 'gangsta rap' in that lilly white gated community you live in.
You want me to photo my NWA and ICE-T CDs?

Really looks like you need some "skoolin' "that not all Gangs produce rap albums, not all 'Gangsta Rappers' are really Gang members, nor are all of them black. A large part of this was show. You not knowing this and thereby associating a street gang as a group of rappers comes off racist. But, I'll be fair it's just a relationship you wrongly assumed.

In related news Cop Killer - the press and PMRC hated was a metal song by Body Count not a Gangsta Rap group. If you like metal you should get it, it's decent. The 2nd Body Count album was definitely not as good.

In further related news Martha Stewart spent more time in prison than Snoop Lion.

“do the math” and see what % of crimes are committed by each ethnic group

blacks’s commit murder at a rate of 690% greater than the rest of the population.
blacks’s commit rape at a rate of 341% greater than the rest of the population
blacks’s commit violent crimes at a rate of 432% of the rest of the population
You want me to photo my NWA and ICE-T CDs?

You are digging the hole deeper with the 2nd "some of my friends are black" moment in this thread. Saying you know Gangsta rap becauce of those 2 CDs would be like me saying I like heavy metal because I own a Bon Jovi and Stryper CDs.

Really looks like you need some "skoolin' "that not all Gangs produce rap albums, not all 'Gangsta Rappers' are really Gang members, nor are all of them black. A large part of this was show. You not knowing this and thereby associating a street gang as a group of rappers comes off racist. But, I'll be fair it's just a relationship you wrongly assumed.

Go back to your post and read what you wrote and your choice of words and without any backing links.

I'm surprised you haven't picked up on the 'Obama Boyz' news. Come on the first black gangsta's to be named after change and hope, who are murders as well. You're missing this big window!

You didn't say street gang, or gangsters, you said gangsta's. When exactly did the term gangsta enter the american lexicon? Right, when MTV started havily promoting 'gangsta rap'. You also mention muder as something shocking. Gangs are known for murder, rappers not necessarily.

In related news Cop Killer - the press and PMRC hated was a metal song by Body Count not a Gangsta Rap group. If you like metal you should get it, it's decent. The 2nd Body Count album was definitely not as good.
I know Body Count. The Cop Killer album was an interesting novelty when it came out with songs like 'KKK Bitch', but when the novelty wore off the music didn't hold up. Ice T has stated he "faked it" when he was a rapper, when he did metal and even acting now. He was a real life pimp who was in the right place at the right time.

In further related news Martha Stewart spent more time in prison than Snoop Lion.

2 thoughts here. Martha Stewart can go pound salt and Snoop Lion is almost as stupid of a name as Meta World Peace.:rolleyes:
You are digging the hole deeper with the 2nd "some of my friends are black" moment in this thread. Saying you know Gangsta rap becauce of those 2 CDs would be like me saying I like heavy metal because I own a Bon Jovi and Stryper CDs.
The point is simple. I know enough about Gangsta rap to understand it's a form of entertainment. There's no requirement for Gang Members to form a rap band. This was the reason, you claimed, that you didn't know this group. And what you now approach as your ignorance of that relationship, or more properly lack of relationship, created a racist post.

when the white folks had their little "game" in las vegas they called it "nigger with a brick"... lets see wouldve been about 76. i was twelve. real popular weekend activity.high school kids would ride around in pickups flinging bricks at the blacks, usually drunk. all races have some messed up folks in them..:confused:
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