Why President Elect Obama is good for the United States.

Speelgoedmannetje said:
cecilia said:
Fade said:
And poor ol' cecilia (with a little c) still can't remember that the quote function doesn't work with an Amiga. :lol: :lol: :lol:
of course I know the quote feature doesn't "work" with an amiga browser...that's not the point.

how hard is it to type out the words" [ q u o t e ] insert the words you want quoted and type [ / q u o t e ]??? (without the spaces, of course)

that REALLY must be a strain :roll:
Why do you react to someone who obviously does not want to contribute in any way to a meaningful debate?


sorry, speel, I've been ignoring this silly person for months, but I just had to point out what a dumbass comment THAT was......(after all, there's SUCH a simple solution)

I'll go back to IGNORING him from now on

thank you for setting me straight :pint: :banana:
cecilia said:
thank you for setting me straight
What's with all the sexist language here? You may use 'correcting me' or 'helping me understand'. :lol:
More hate from the churches...

If you voted for Obama, No Communion for you.

A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion....

Not only is abortion seen as murder and unacceptable by the tenants of the Catholic Faith so is the death sentence, which McCain supported.

So in reality if any of his parishiners voted then NONE should get Communion.
Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama
mixing politics and religion is very dangerous
Fade said:
And poor ol' cecilia (with a little c) still can't remember that the quote function doesn't work with an Amiga. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It works perfectly fine, just use <quote> </quote> but change the <> for []

Not difficult.

Oh and I believe the last time I tried Voyager it could use most of the buttons just fine... that said I was using a never released 3.3 beta... I believe Aweb has or at least had the capability to generate text upon pressing buttons however.
cecilia said:
mixing politics and religion is very dangerous
I agree on both fronts. As Adams stated politics would corrupt religion. As Jefferson stated religion would corrupt politics.

Unfortunately, as a nation we seem to bringing those 2 ever closer. From Reagan's inclusion of the religious right into the party to the first debate w/ McCain and Obama that was held in a church. Per the constitution there is no religious test for office. Yet we as a society seem to make them anyway.