1984 was not written as a "how to" manual


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Mar 31, 2005
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Calif. college calls the POLICE...over a cartoon frog

“[Pepe] has been commonly co-opted by white supremacists and others as a symbol of bigotry,” Yamamura and the co-authors said in the email. “While we do not immediately know the intentions of the person(s) who posted the picture, we are treating this incident with the highest level of seriousness and have already conducted a sweep of all Folsom Lake College campuses to look for other instances of these materials.”

The rest of the bulletin board is ALL SWJ propaganda and they freak out over a picture of pepe the frog
Wikipedia and Google are expunging actual history.

He has one point wrong IMO. He has a throwaway comment claiming MJ is guilty. Otherwise, I agree. I bet the rest of the group here would agree, but outside metalman, probably not reading.

He has one point wrong IMO. He has a throwaway comment claiming MJ is guilty. Otherwise, I agree. I bet the rest of the group here would agree, but outside metalman, probably not reading.

Today's "music" and movies, I have no interest in, but I thought it was just me getting old ...

Bobby Darin had the number one song on the Billboard Top 100 in 1959, won a Grammy for Record Of The Year in 1960, listed as the third most popular song of all time by Billboard, reached #255 on the Rolling Stone top 500 songs, and Simon Cowell named “Mack the Knife” as the single greatest song ever written.

The song has 5 key changes in it.
0:00-0:51 - B-flat Major
0:51-1:15 - B Major
1:15-1:37 - C Major
1:37-2:01 - D-flat Major
2:01-2:23 - D Major
2:23-3:04 - E-flat Major

And the lyrics of “Mack The Knife” are about Jack MacHeath, a serial killer ...

Current movies have too many Gee Whiz special effects and and about being woke, and not enough about plot, generally the best movies for plot where in the 50's and 60's when special effects were limited, because they were hard to do
Report: Thousands of Amazon Workers Listen to Your Alexa Conversations

YouTube Disables Comments on Livestream of House Judiciary Hate Crime Hearing

YouTube shut down the ability for users to post comments on the livestream video of Tuesday’s congressional hearing on hate crimes and white nationalism, after users began flooding the live comment section with remarks it considers “hate speech.”

YouTube Hides PragerU Video of Candace Owens’ Testimony in ‘Restricted Mode’

Donald Trump Jr.: Instagram Deleted This Vet’s Photo Because I Was In It

INSTAGRAM IS AT IT AGAIN WITH THEIR BIAS DELETING POSTS. Time time the deleted my friend @crispy11b’s post that was simply a post of him and I catching up at the NRA show. There was nothing harsh or political in there and as usual it magically somehow “violated @Instagramstandards”, presumably because I’m in it and that’s too much for the social media gods in California. Omar aka Crispy is a vet severely wounded in conflict who has undergone I believe over 100 surgeries to fix the damage done. He’s been a vocal supporter of other wounded vets and an inspiration to so many because despite everything he manages to live his life to the fullest. His adventures often documented right here are amazing and I’ve never once seen anything but an incredible attitude towards life despite the obvious difficulties. This man is amazing and he should not be censored, in fact we would be better off as a nation with many more with his attitude, demeanor, and patriotism. I suggest you give him a follow. The bullshit has to stop. If Instagram can censor a hero like this who the hell won’t they suppress??? #america#hero#censorship
CENSORSHIP: Facebook Completely Removes Bounding Into Comics’s 250k+ Strong Fan Page

As you can see, Facebook did not provide us with any actual concrete examples of the alleged violation. In fact, the reason why we are writing this article today, instead of yesterday, is because we attempted to reach out to Facebook believing the removal of the page was inadvertent. However, Facebook has not responded to any of our Help Center inquiries. They stopped responding in an email thread with a Publisher & Media Support team representative once the page was identified.

Given recent reports of Facebook and Twitter removing pages that do not align with their views, I think it is safe to assume that Facebook is likely targeting Bounding Into Comics due to the nature of the content we cover and post.

Bounding Into Comics contributors are not afraid to offer a critical look at the current entertainment culture as it pertains to the comic book industry, Hollywood, and video games. We are on the front line of highlighting the behavior of a number of the executives in these companies whether it’s Marvel’s Sana Amanat who unabashedly stated that “Mexicans, Jews, Muslims, women, native America, the environment, science, and KIDS” are all things “TheRepublicansHate.”

The DNC's political arms of the Liberal Media and Social Media companies are going all-in for the 2020 election, optics be damned.
No political interference in Europe there, right? Or here.
The New World Order just isn't working out for people. The longer the global royalty try hold back the tide, the more it will sweep away when it overwhelms the dykes.

But you have groups of people who are entirely blind to the NWO, Elites, or whatever we are calling them today. People they don't like getting deplatformed? They don't mind, since it hits them in the feels. As you mentioned in the other thread, Alex Jones was not the only person being deplatformed. i could rattle off even more than what's in this thread.

These same people, who are largely atheist ironically, are the new religious fanatics. They are anti-science, they just care about what they feel. Science, biology, textbook definitions mean nothing. Only what they feel means anything.

There is a most definite culture war under way in the western world. It is a bit startling how many people are falling into that NPC/SJW (call it what you will) trap. They don't know and don't care what the end goal is.
To me, the problem comes down to (our lack of) Net Neutrality.

Facebook, Twitter, and the others don't owe anyone a platform. They can kick anyone off at any time for any reason, or no reason at all. And that is as it should be. There is no platform that should be under an obligation to carry anything they choose not to. It's like the dolts from the old forums, and BBS before that, who would cry about censorship through moderation. If you don't like it, pound sand. And that's that.

The problem comes in that without Net Neutrality, ISPs don't have to provide any meaningful amount of bandwidth to any site THEY don't approve of. And they get kickbacks from the government, in addition to Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc... So, once Facebook has cheesed off enough of their users that it is time to open a competitor to Facebook... You can't do it, because most Americans don't have a real choice in internet providers, and Comcast, AT&T, and the other ISPs are all accepting kickbacks from the incumbents, who would pull their payments should that competitor be allowed to gain some traction. We're allowing Twitter, Facebook, and the rest to be artificial monopolies, and it's a freakin' brain-dead thing to do.