1984 was not written as a "how to" manual

Analyst Who Found Journalists Connected To Antifa Now Suspended By Twitter

Earlier this month, Dr. Eoin Lenihan mapped the connections of accounts belonging to domestic terrorist group Antifa with journalists from prominent organizations such as Vox, the Guardian, the Huffington Post, and more. Lenihan claimed that certain journalist had eight or more connections, and suggested various members seem to have consistent communication with Antifa, or pay people for doxxing information.

If you would like to read more about his findings, you can follow this link.

However, it would now appear that Lenihan has now been suspended by Twitter, and according to journalist Andy Ngo, who consistently covers Antifa activity, Twitter did so after Antifa members mass flagged his account.

“Looks like antifa’s Twitter mob mass reported Dr. [Lenihan] & got his account suspended. They’ve been trying to target him ever since he released report showing how some journalists & writers have close ties to antifa extremists & were working to mainstream those ideas,” tweeted Ngo.
Since we're peddling tenuous 1984 analogies, how's this for a hilarious bit of Newspeak:
US Department of Energy is now referring to fossil fuels as “freedom gas”
The Department of Energy is on its path to "energy dominance" with bizarre re-branding.

In a press release published on Tuesday, two Department of Energy officials used the terms "freedom gas" and "molecules of US freedom" to replace your average, everyday term "natural gas."

Maybe use it to cook your Freedom Fries? :D
Since we're peddling tenuous 1984 analogies, how's this for a hilarious bit of Newspeak:
US Department of Energy is now referring to fossil fuels as “freedom gas”
The Department of Energy is on its path to "energy dominance" with bizarre re-branding.

At first I was angry that Ars went all click-bait. They're better than that. But then I checked into it. And it doesn't appear that anything was taken out of context or click-baited at all. Straight from Energy.gov:

"[...]I am pleased that the Department of Energy is doing what it can to promote an efficient regulatory system that allows for molecules of U.S. freedom to be exported to the world,” said Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg.

Seriously. That is actually a sentence in an official press release on an official website run by my government. Facepalm does not even cover something like this.
Since we're peddling tenuous 1984 analogies, how's this for a hilarious bit of Newspeak:
US Department of Energy is now referring to fossil fuels as “freedom gas”
The Department of Energy is on its path to "energy dominance" with bizarre re-branding.

Maybe use it to cook your Freedom Fries? :D

They got smart and are playing the Green Justice Warrior word game, aka Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Disaster, used to gin up hysteria and fear.

It gets better, than "freedom gas", atmospheric levels of CO2 have changed throughout geological history, and are currently near geological historical lows

The Trump administration is creating a new climate review panel supervised by Princeton scientist William Happer, President Trump’s deputy assistant for emerging technologies on the National Security Council. Happer is the emeritus Eugene Higgens professor of physics and Cyrus Fogg Brackett professor of physics at Princeton University.

As E&E News reported, Happer has stated, “The public in general doesn’t realize that from the point of view of geological history, we are in a CO2 famine, higher concentrations of CO2 would aid plant life as he cited satellite data. He continued, “There is no problem from CO2. The world has lots and lots of problems, but increasing CO2 is not one of the problems. So [the Paris accord] dignifies it by getting all these yahoos who don’t know a damn thing about climate saying, ‘This is a problem, and we’re going to solve it.”

As E&E News reported, Happer has stated, “The public in general doesn’t realize that from the point of view of geological history, we are in a CO2 famine, [...]

It may or may not be known but it's also not very relevant. Humans did not evolve in that climate nor did their crops, nor any modern plants and animals. You might as well argue that since there was an inland sea in North America millions of years ago, it shouldn't be a problem for the people living there now if it became one again. Five billion years ago there was no sun and no earth, so logically, if they both disappeared tomorrow it shouldn't be a problem, right?
It may or may not be known but it's also not very relevant. Humans did not evolve in that climate nor did their crops, nor any modern plants and animals. You might as well argue that since there was an inland sea in North America millions of years ago, it shouldn't be a problem for the people living there now if it became one again. Five billion years ago there was no sun and no earth, so logically, if they both disappeared tomorrow it shouldn't be a problem, right?

mammals evolved in the Jurassic, grasses ( Poaceae) evolved in the Creataceous when CO2 was 3%. grasses divide into two physiological groups, using the C3 or C4 photosynthetic pathways for carbon fixation. C3 plants evolved in the Paleozoic era.
C4 plants evolved about 35 million years ago, during the Oligocene, during which there was a global expansion of grasslands. About 8,100 plant species use C4 carbon fixation, which represents about 3% of all terrestrial species of plants. but account for about 23% of terrestrial carbon fixation. photosynthesis stops in C3 plants (85% of plant biomass) when CO2 is below 180ppm, C4 plants at 120ppm. During the Holocene Mega Fauna extinction atmospheric C02 dropped to 180ppm
Global Warming in this thread is highly appropriate. Global Warming, or whatever if keeps getting rebranded as, is a total scam. The biggest scam in human history, with the end goal of enslaving the general public. People who believe it are essentially cult members.

memba when An Inconvenient Truth came out in 2006? I memba.


Al Gore was the #1 media darling, he even won a Nobel Prize for this mockumentary. On forums like this Gore was being praised and the mockumentary was being defended as real. Hell, in public schools across the country kids were forced to watch it. By law children in the US are forced to attend school, which except for the very wealthy people almost always means public school, forced to watch a mockumentary the teachers pushed as real. I had 4 kids in school at the time. Students in their class would get so upset they'd stand up yelling at the TV, or start crying. The propaganda was burned into their brains. Goebbels would be proud indeed.

Fast forward to current year, and An Inconvenient Truth has been thoroughly discredited to the point event the most fierce AGW supporters just scoff at anyone ever taking Al Gore seriously. Every single prediction was false, even laughably false, so they pretend it never happened. Many if not most of those kids back in 2006 have been indoctrinated into the cult, that's all that matters. Al Gore is just a footnote to them that they hope you forget, the new shiny object is AoC and her Green New Deal nonsense. It's a cult, facts don't matter to cults. Only thing that matters is the feels brought on by whatever the cult leaders tell them.
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mammals evolved in the Jurassic, grasses ( Poaceae) evolved in the Creataceous when CO2 was 3%. grasses divide into two physiological groups, using the C3 or C4 photosynthetic pathways for carbon fixation. C3 plants evolved in the Paleozoic era.
C4 plants evolved about 35 million years ago, during the Oligocene, during which there was a global expansion of grasslands. About 8,100 plant species use C4 carbon fixation, which represents about 3% of all terrestrial species of plants. but account for about 23% of terrestrial carbon fixation. photosynthesis stops in C3 plants (85% of plant biomass) when CO2 is below 180ppm, C4 plants at 120ppm. During the Holocene Mega Fauna extinction atmospheric C02 dropped to 180ppm

I am intrigued by the way you like to trot out a series of facts to ... prove that you read books or something - and I am not arguing about the prehistoric earth. My question is - how is this relevant to humans today? The history of earth is one of stable periods and periods of massive die offs of species. 66 million years ago a big rock hits the earth and kills off all the big dinosaurs leaving the path open to the rise of mammals DOES NOT MEAN that if the same event happened today we'd be fine because we are mammals and not dinosaurs. All through time the conditions on the planet have been changing and all through time the bigger/faster the change the more pronounced the die off (evolution leads to new forms by drift slowly, but rapidly under environmental pressure due to differential death rates, the more deaths the bigger the change - or, alternatively, extinction. Particularly effected are top tier animals. We are generalists so that helps us a lot, but we are dependent on a very small number of crop species that are optimised for food yield under a narrow range of conditions, and we depend on a large specialised workforce that can understand and maintain our life support systems. Any significant interruption in food could cause a cascade of problems that breaks the balance of that system as we tend to see ANYEWHERE when food becomes scarce - to the point that recovery is difficult without significant outside investment. The world has always changed and for almost all of that time there were no people. If the world changes far and fast enough now there will again be a world without people so, in that sense, nothing will have really changed. If you are OK with that, that's fine, but what are the people who are NOT OK with that supposed to do? If life, for some people, is overrated, wouldn't it be better to let them opt out and leave already, instead of having them insist that not being alive is actually better for everybody and then voting for it?
Global Warming, or whatever if keeps getting rebranded as, is a total scam. The biggest scam in human history, with the end goal of enslaving the general public.

Could you remind me exactly how that's supposed to work.
My question is - how is this relevant to humans today? The history of earth is one of stable periods and periods of massive die offs of species. 66 million years ago a big rock hits the earth and kills off all the big dinosaurs leaving the path open to the rise of mammals DOES NOT MEAN that if the same event happened today we'd be fine because we are mammals and not dinosaurs. All through time the conditions on the planet have been changing and all through time the bigger/faster the change the more pronounced the die off (evolution leads to new forms by drift slowly, but rapidly under environmental pressure due to differential death rates, the more deaths the bigger the change - or, alternatively, extinction. Particularly effected are top tier animals. We are generalists so that helps us a lot, but we are dependent on a very small number of crop species that are optimised for food yield under a narrow range of conditions, and we depend on a large specialised workforce that can understand and maintain our life support systems. Any significant interruption in food could cause a cascade of problems that breaks the balance of that system as we tend to see ANYEWHERE when food becomes scarce - to the point that recovery is difficult without significant outside investment.

The key date is 47k years ago, the Mega Fauna extinction, when global CO2 levels dropped below 200ppm, which resulted in a die off of all high altitude flora, desertification of large areas of planet. C4 plants retreated to the equatorial region, C3 plants had severely stunted growth. Those conditions resulted in the extinction of the Mega Fauna herbivores (lack of food), followed by the carnivores.

If CO had fallen to 150ppm it would have resulted in a mass extinction event. Most of the plants we cultivate are C4 type. Current levels of atmospheric CO2 are only 410ppm, which is a geological low amount, and still recovering from what was almost an extinction event. More atmospheric C02 results in more biomass (food). C4 plants grow best above 500ppm, C3 plants above 800 ppm. The more C4 plants grown, the more total CO2 removed from the atmosphere
The key date is 47k years ago, the Mega Fauna extinction, when global CO2 levels dropped below 200ppm, which resulted in a die off of all high altitude flora, desertification of large areas of planet. C4 plants retreated to the equatorial region, C3 plants had severely stunted growth. Those conditions resulted in the extinction of the Mega Fauna herbivores (lack of food), followed by the carnivores.

If CO had fallen to 150ppm it would have resulted in a mass extinction event. Most of the plants we cultivate are C4 type. Current levels of atmospheric CO2 are only 410ppm, which is a geological low amount, and still recovering from what was almost an extinction event. More atmospheric C02 results in more biomass (food). C4 plants grow best above 500ppm, C3 plants above 800 ppm. The more C4 plants grown, the more total CO2 removed from the atmosphere
The key date is right now. Our current civilisation didn't arise 47k years ago and depend on the conditions of 47k years ago or any other period. We have created a civilisation in Halocene conditions, it is currently enormous and adapted (dependent on) the current conditions. For our civilisation to continue it is necessary that our ability to adapt to change is faster than the change we have to adapt to. Part of the process of adapting civilisation to new conditions is noticing that we have a problem - and so far it doesn't look like the majority of humans are very good at this - or, conversely, they are very good at NOT noticing so that they don't have to change.

Australia is having to import wheat these days because the conditions for growing it there are deteriorating and extra CO2 is not helping the situation enough to compensate for the fact that the climate is changing such that the best growing climate is moving off shore! How are they going to adapt to that? What ever happened thousands of years ago may be interesting but its pointless if it doesn't point to a path to follow. 300 million years ago a lot of Florida would have been below sea level. Do you think that fact will make it possible to continue living in those areas if they were once again under water? If you find yourself in a burning building does it make your situation better if you are told that other buildings have burned in the past and the world still goes on? Do you stay in the burning building because someone tells you not to worry because there was a worse building fire across town in 67?
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Australia is having to import wheat these days because the conditions for growing it there are deteriorating and extra CO2 is not helping the situation enough to compensate for the fact that the climate is changing such that the best growing climate is moving off shore!

Egypt was once a tropical rain forest and now it is a desert. Did man cause that too?
Egypt was once a tropical rain forest and now it is a desert. Did man cause that too?
Caesar died two thousand years ago. Did you kill him? Did anyone alive today kill him? Does that mean no-one alive today could kill someone?