Debates... the thread


Active Member
Aug 25, 2005
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I didn't watch the first of 3 debates. But, I figured people who had might want to talk about them.

Here's what I know - I woke up and checked various MSM outlets. All of them listed Romney as the winner because he was more aggressive. I think that's a perfect point. Americans appear to not like nice guys so Obama does have to play harder on the issues while not attacking Mitt directly.

Here's what I've heard so far - the snippet of the debate was on the radio where Obama described the necessity to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for wealthy tax cuts. Romney responded saying that's not true. He won't do a tax cut if it worsens the deficit. It appeared to me at least in that 1 instance Romney didn't listen to what Obama said. Obama just said that. Though Romney's response was a better sound bite.

I might tune in to debate 2 to see what happens.
Doubt I will watch any of the debates, one liar talking to another liar.
I watched the beginning and the end (our daughters bath time is immutable). I think Romney did a good job of pretending to understand the common, middle class family. At times it seemed coached or even scripted, but he pulled it off somewhat convincingly.

Obama's major fault was that he didn't pounce on Romney's faults. He could have brought up the 47%ers or Romney's tax returns, but didn't. He played nice guy and finished second I guess.

Obama did land one small blow though. Romney talked a lot about "small businesses" and Obama quickly pointed out that Romney's definition of "small business" include Donald Trump. Romney actually accepted that, even after Obama stated that there's really nothing small about the Donald (except perhaps his brain).
3rd Debate is supposed surround foreign policy. Might be good for the Canuks.
What’s the opposite of a leg tingle?
George Stephanopolous: debate a tie, therefore Obama wins!

DIANE SAWYER: Let me turn to you right now, George, nobody knows politics better than you. Here it is, bottom line, was there a clear winner tonight?
GEORGE STEPHANOPOLOUS: I think Governor Romney was definitely more crisp in his presentation. He was leaning into the debate when President Obama was a little bit more laid back. I think he was able to be aggressive without being offensive. So, even though there were -- I didn't see any knockout punches. No breakthrough moments or major mistakes. I think Governor Romney will get the boost that challengers usually get. The big question, did he do anything to dramatically change the trajectory of the race?
Real News had the headline "The Debate: A Masterful Liar Defeats a Man Without Conviction".
Real News had the headline "The Debate: A Masterful Liar Defeats a Man Without Conviction".

hmmm, so Obama defeated Obama

another unbiased political analyst declaring Obama the winner!
DNC debate response video

Obama spoke for five more minutes than Romney.

So Romney used used a cheap debating tactic, called "The Coherent Sentence." Obama, being a very ethical fellow, refrained from 'um' 'dramatic pause' such 'um' chicanery.

Will Obama be appearing at the next debate with an oxygen tank and mask?

I thought a member of the "Choom gang" was used to being at least a mile high!
DNC debate response video
Romney is wearing the power tie. Wearing red always makes a person appear more aggressive but is also seen as dominant. Red is an aggressive and dominant colour which is why the Communist Party adopted it so heartily. Blue is associated with more celestial matters (being the colour of the sky) and has long been the popular soft power colour of the upper classes. This is quite ironic since Obama is definitely the redder of the two politically and Romney is the more the upper class elite than Obama.
Obama Debate Excuses:

What do you mean I can't invoke Executive Privilege to stop Americans from seeing the debates?
umm excuse me Jim, but I was told there would be no questions.
It's Bush's Fault... I inherited this debate...
It's difficult to rehearse for a debate while you're on the back nine. I need a new caddy.
I thought I would be able to "Slow Jam" my answers.
Nobody told me Jim Lehrer was racist and part of the vast right wing conspiracy.
I Couldn't concentrate because Chris Matthew kept sexting me
My dog ate my notes. Then I ate the dog
I didn't know we'd be talking about issues - I wanted to talk about Mitt's dog - LOOK SQUIRREL!
as soon as I get my teleprompter back, I'll answer that
I was told to just stand there and be Eye Candy.
Bush stole my teleprompter.
How can I be expected to frame a proper Straw-man argument when my opponent is in the same room?
I prepared for a debate on Lady Parts
I was afraid he was going to cut my hair
Global Warming
My secret ear piece failed!
I was told I only needed to answer 47% of the questions.
I would have won if I hadn't been interrupted in the last 5 seconds!
Obama Debate Excuses:

What do you mean I can't invoke Executive Privilege [...]

But what did you think of the debate. Which bits were you most impressed with/disappointed in, which points were made the best, which questions were not asked that you think should have been, who addressed which questions and who evaded what?

Tell me what were your own impressions after watching the debate.
But what did you think of the debate. Which bits were you most impressed with/disappointed in, which points were made the best, which questions were not asked that you think should have been, who addressed which questions and who evaded what?

Tell me what were your own impressions after watching the debate.
He probably didn't even watch it.
So I take it that means you didn't watch the debate? Am I the only one who say any of it?