Debates... the thread


the candidate who has termed his political opponents "enemies" and suggested that his followers physically "get in their face" now says he was just "too nice" in the debate.

“I mean, you know, the debate, I think it’s fair to say I was just too polite, because, you know, it’s hard to sometimes just keep on saying and what you’re saying isn’t true," Obama said this morning on the Tom Joyner Morning Show.

"It gets repetitive. But, you know, the good news is, is that’s just the first one. Governor Romney put forward a whole bunch of stuff that either involved him running away from positions that he had taken, or doubling down on things like Medicare vouchers that are going to hurt him long term. And, you know, I think it’s fair to say that we will see a little more activity at the next one."
Jon Stewart mocks Obama Big Bird ad

President “Costanza”
LOL a Seinfeld reference on a next-day comeback “Yeah, well the jerk store called.”
Haven't been able to watch Jon Stewarts video because I'm not in the US, but I saw the Big Bird ad. I like it.
Seem like the Dems (Biden / Obama) are enjoying their pre-debate time with Paul Ryan.

Team Romney is using the old Republican strategy of basing their entire campaign on a long list of lies.

Some of the things Ryan said last night just didn't pass a simple logic test. He repeatedly stated that they agreed with the 2014 date for pulling out of Afghanistan, but at the same time also said that the surge should not have been drawn down and also implied that troops would remain in Afghanistan so long as the Taliban are in Afghanistan. Hold on. Biden didn't say that the war in Afghanistan was about to end, he said the US needs to let the Afghan forces fight their own war. Ryan ignored this little fact and seems to expect everyone to believe that Romney could somehow defeat the Taliban by 2014. Not likely to happen I'm afraid. However, it's far more likely that you'd be able to train a local army by that time. Either Romney is completely clueless about foreign policy or they are telling lies. Actually, it could be both and probably is.
Team Romney is using the old Republican strategy of basing their entire campaign on a long list of lies.

The ability to tell lies and then immediately tell contradictory lies and rebuff discovery of those lies with more lies and to do this all shamelessly is an indicator of psychopathology. It is also an arrow in the mentalists quiver. As a technique it does two things - it overwhelms a person's ability to reason and then, once the reason is trying to untie itself, it appeals to the emotions where the shameless bullshit is misinterpreted as confidence and charisma.
You missed the news prior to the debate. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) acknowledged on Wednesday that House Republicans had consciously voted to reduce the funds allocated to the State Department for embassy ...For the past two years, House Republicans have continued to deprioritize the security forces protecting State Department personnel around the world...

Obama has not signed a budget in 4 years, so exactly where and what did they cut?

State Department Cut Libya Security while spending $108k on Chevy Volts and charging station for Vienna Embassy

When asked for comment, Ambassador Stevens could not be reached , because he was dead.
One does not need a full budget in order to cut. Instead one can use Temporary spending measures. A cut is current lower rate of spending compared to a higher previous rate. Republicans passed and thereby cut $10Billion in the State Department in March. Example
One does not need a full budget in order to cut. Instead one can use Temporary spending measures. A cut is current lower rate of spending compared to a higher previous rate. Republicans passed and thereby cut $10Billion in the State Department in March. Example

So the State Department spent the money on electric cars rather that security for the Ambassador. Seems someone at the State Department is making bad decisions.

At Congressional Hearing, State Department: Budget Had Nothing To Do With Security Decisions At Benghazi (10/10/12)