Howdy! Just stopping by to gloat & say "told you so!"

Oooh, a Gamergate reference! Nicely played :)

And as we're bringing Chunk from TYT into this, did anyone see his complete meltdown when faced with Alex Jones at the Republican National Convention:

Oooh, I love Sargon :)
I was going to drop this link in the new Obama thread, but dropping it here in the gloating thread is more accurate. I predicted Obama would spawn someone like Trump.

"The great state of Kansas passed away on March 31, 2013 after a long ...battle with extr

People like me have been saying for years that Obama is the most divisive president in history. His agenda has been to create a wedge between the left and right, which has been gleefully embraced by the liberal media and even the left here on Whyzzat. The libs have become more extreme, so don't be shocked when the conservatives become more extreme. You reap what you sow.

redrumloa, Apr 30, 2013
I don't know that Obama is the most divisive, I seem to recall Bush being pretty good on that score in his day. That said, Obama has done absolutely nothing to help matters.

As far as left and right becoming more polarised, yeah, I think they are. But again I would say that this has been building for years, before the current lot.

Rhetoric has replaced conversation on both sides and the end result is that virtually nothing gets done. Everyone is so busy fighting for their side's pet causes that there seems to be little energy or interest in dealing with day to day issues - like crumbling infrastructure for example.
I don't know that Obama is the most divisive, I seem to recall Bush being pretty good on that score in his day. That said, Obama has done absolutely nothing to help matters.

the rhetoric used against Bush was pretty divisive, but what Bush himself did was always speak as inclusive, and worked with Democrats on promoting his legislative agenda and trying to find common ground

However Obama from day one was divisive
I don't know that Obama is the most divisive

I do know. Obama has set race relations back 50 years. This is no accident by a well intended president.
To prove this point, Saul Alinsky’s son L. David Alinsky wrote a letter for the Obama campaign in 2008.

“Obama learned his lesson well,” L. David Alinsky wrote. “I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.”

No other president in the last 50+ years has actively worked to create false narratives intended to divide people by race. Who was the last president to legitimatize terrorist organizations such as Black Panthers? (Hint it would have been a democrat 75++ years ago). Certain cities around the country have bordered on all out race war, not race riot, but outright race war. Obama has/had no intention of bringing people together, he pours gasoline on such situations.

Do you really believe that renewed calls for segregation is a good thing? That's what is happening. It isn't coming from the false bogeyman the media portrays conservatives. It is coming from Obama and the "Progressive" left.
No other president in the last 50+ years has actively worked to create false narratives intended to divide people by race.

I'll concede that, but by the same token, Bush pushed a false narrative to drag both our countries to war at the cost of thousands of peoples lives. It wasn't just the Left that opposed him on that.

Who was the last president to legitimatize terrorist organizations such as Black Panthers?

Are you talking domestic terrorist groups or international, because if the latter, US administrations for decades have supported organisations that engaged in terroristic acts. The Mujaheddin in Afghanistan springs to mind - they were just described as "Freedom fighters" at the time.

Certain cities around the country have bordered on all out race war, not race riot, but outright race war. Obama has/had no intention of bringing people together, he pours gasoline on such situations.

Again I'll readily concede as such.

Do you really believe that renewed calls for segregation is a good thing? That's what is happening. It isn't coming from the false bogeyman the media portrays conservatives. It is coming from Obama and the "Progressive" left.

No, I don't. I think that the Regressive Left represents every base authoritarian instinct the Left possesses in the same way the Evangelical Right does the Right wing.

At this point I would go so far as to suggest that the two extremes of both wings have more in common with each other then people closer to the centre.
I do know. Obama has set race relations back 50 years. This is no accident by a well intended president.
To prove this point, Saul Alinsky’s son L. David Alinsky wrote a letter for the Obama campaign in 2008.

“Obama learned his lesson well,” L. David Alinsky wrote. “I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.”

No other president in the last 50+ years has actively worked to create false narratives intended to divide people by race. Who was the last president to legitimatize terrorist organizations such as Black Panthers? (Hint it would have been a democrat 75++ years ago). Certain cities around the country have bordered on all out race war, not race riot, but outright race war. Obama has/had no intention of bringing people together, he pours gasoline on such situations.

Do you really believe that renewed calls for segregation is a good thing? That's what is happening. It isn't coming from the false bogeyman the media portrays conservatives. It is coming from Obama and the "Progressive" left.

We're finding a hell of a lot of common ground these days.
Bernie just a Clinton shill? He never did go after her very hard during the primary...
Sorry, but this video was a giant waste of time for everyone who bothered to watch it. Like Obama did for Clinton, Clinton allowed Sanders´ delegates to vote for him during the convention, even though everyone knew that he did not have enough votes to win the nomination. It was a symbolic act.

There was no Sanders-Clinton conspiracy and using the quote from Mrs. Sanders to imply otherwise is flat-out absurd.
I don't know that Obama is the most divisive, I seem to recall Bush being pretty good on that score in his day. That said, Obama has done absolutely nothing to help matters.

Crickets from the liberal media and from Obama.
