Political Jokes 2021 and 2022


An unreleased DiscreetFX classic image from 2016, enjoy!
6 Billion people, you say? Mad mental marge doing mad mental maths.
I guess that the US didn't appropriate $113 Billion for Ukraine (to buy weapons from US manufacturers) then.
I guess we can't have a laugh at a politician bolloxing something up without pretending everything they've ever said is bollox then.
I guess we can't have a laugh at a politician bolloxing something up without pretending everything they've ever said is bollox then.
I guess if someone says one important thing and one silly thing we should look at the silly thing and imply that the important thing is silly by association.
I guess if someone says one important thing and one silly thing we should look at the silly thing
That's generally what we do when we find the silly thing amusing.
and imply that the important thing is silly by association.
I never implied any such thing. If that's what you took from it I'm afraid it's just your knee-jerk, defensive projection kicking in.
On a joke thread.
I just got an email from Parler, trying to persuade me to spend $181 on the NFT of "Melania's Vision":

Roll up, roll up, ya gullible idiots! :lol: :banana:
So, my most recent email from Parler was about the company being bought over. The new owners have decided to shut it down and put this message on the home page:
No reasonable person believes that a Twitter clone just for conservatives is a viable business any more.
While the Parler app as it is currently constituted will be pulled down from operation to undergo a strategic assessment, we at Starboard see tremendous opportunities across multiple sectors to continue to serve marginalized or even outright censored communities – even extending beyond domestic politics.
A political joke of sorts, I guess. At least, it gave me a wry smile
If the bit in bold is true - I'm not sure it is but if it is - one has to wonder at the continuing strategy (such as it is) at Twitter. Is it simply that Musk is not a "reasonable person"?
Or does he think the "wokerati" will continue to use Twitter in spite of their whining?
Or is he deliberately trying to sink it?
I've asked that before and still can't make my mind up. Especially when combined with his seemingly wilful chasing away of traffic drivers and ad-revenue, such as M$: