Political Jokes 2021 and 2022

Tucker questions the war in Ukraine. That can't be allowed.
Tucker was very recently exposed as being a false messenger. Privately disparaging Trump, undermining the Fox/Trump position on the alleged vote rigging, ridiculing Powell, etc. All of which did little to help the Fox case v Dominion which has now cost them more than $3/4 billion. The idea that it was mainly his position on Russia invading Ukraine that saw him leave is hilariously fanciful. It has banked him a potential job at RT though.

And going by his recent behaviour, is anyone convinced he took that position on Russia invading Ukraine for any other reason than it plays well with the gullible Trump-worshipping marks he preys upon? He's been shown to be an opportunist grifter who'll say whatever brings in the most dough, regardless of how absurd.
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I saw this picture of Trump arriving at his Turnberry Hotel today. I did some audio work at that hotel just before Trump bought it and was well compensated, albeit by a 3rd party, rather than directly by the hotel. Nonetheless, it got me wondering how much I would need to be paid before I'd allow myself to be pictured waving a sycophant cap at him. I'm a bit of an unprincipled old whore when it comes to hard cash so a single order of magnitude more would probably have sufficed, provided I was also able to cover my face.

Why would the Pentagon be happy to see the back of a proven say-anything-for-ratings liar with a massive following of credulous conspiracy nuts, who has spent the last couple of years criticising US "defence" policy? It's quite the mystery.
Why would the Pentagon be happy to see the back of a proven say-anything-for-ratings liar with a massive following of credulous conspiracy nuts, who has spent the last couple of years criticising US "defence" policy? It's quite the mystery.
You mean like the way the mob hates a rat because they're lying liars who lie!
About 4000 children are killed by guns in the US each year according to the CDC. Interestingly, that's children between 1 and 19!!! I wonder which age group of "children" are doing the most killing and dying?

Interestingly for each "child" killed by handguns there are 150 abortions reported (that's just the reported ones). Apples to oranges I know because in the one case it's children that are unwanted and in the other it's mostly children that no one cares about.

Elsewhere I find that the rate is about 2000 for under 18s. Significantly the rate is more than 5 times higher for black kids, and blacks are homicided at 10 times the rate they suicide while white kids suicide twice as often as they are homicided.

And the places where most of the black kids are dying are places where it is illegal to own a gun - and also places that decided that defunding the police was a good idea leading to crime surged and increased gun violence.