Watching the DNC

I got my figures from inside that web site where you hope nobody will try to find them.
I just want to add, for the record, since you clearly don't spend enough time on this site to know much about me or my position - I have repeated over many years pointed out that the unemployment rate is misleading and misleadingly calculated. I am fully aware of the fact that people who are "not in the labour force" are not counted as unemployed and that is one of the ways that unemployment rates shrink that is misleading. I was specifically criticizing you for not knowing the definition of unemployed.

Those who have given up looking for work are clearly not employed but they are not counted as unemployed because they are not currently looking for work. Obviously if the economy was really picking up then these discouraged people would begin looking for work again (ironically boosting the unemployment rate as the economy improves).

I have issues with the birth/death model which is highly misleading in times of recession as its basic assumption is that a new job is created for each job lost - a simplification very handy for the bean counter but not necessarily robust.

I also don't like how unemployment is condensed into a single metric - usually the friendly U3 rate rather than a fuller dataset including U6, median time spent looking for work, wage of new jobs versus wages of jobs lost, etc. By all of those metrics we are in very bad times indeed. Most people who are working are working for less than their parents worked at the same point in their lives and carry higher debt. It's a trend that has been moving mostly in the wrong direction for over 40 years.
My understanding is the USA uses a slightly different measure of unemployment than Europe. If memory serves Reagan changed (manipulated some would say) the system so people fall off the counting faster. Now when their own fearless leader's doing bites them in the butt Republicans kvetch.
looks like having an education is still useful
Karen Lewis union thug

“fist-in-the-air, crowd-rousing, dynamic union leader.” -- Michael Klonsky

The work was probably done by some graphic designer at some PR company who obviously chose the images because they must have looked the coolest / most impressive. Pretty funny mistake though. They probably didn't check because it probably didn't cross the art teams mind that other countries might have navies.
well romney thinks we should actually be concerned about the russians, maybe the image was used to highlight the fear all republicans have for the soviet threat... im rather suprised its being labelled a slam against the troops and they're not screaming right now about how prepared for battle the soviets are!!!
well romney thinks we should actually be concerned about the russians, maybe the image was used to highlight the fear all republicans have for the soviet threat... im rather suprised its being labelled a slam against the troops and they're not screaming right now about how prepared for battle the soviets are!!!

More likely the Donkeys were doing a stealth honor of their Commie Idols
Vladimir Lenin founded the publication “Vpered” ( FORWARD ) in 1905.


Young builders of communism! Forward, to the new successes in work and study!

{url=] It's not like the Navy makes it hard to find stock photos of actual US Navy ships at sea[/url]
Young builders of communism! Forward, to the new successes in work and study!
Thanks Metalman, now I get it. I always wondered why Republicans hated workers and intellectuals. Being smart and hard working appears to be characteristics of Communists.
Being smart and hard working appears to be characteristics of Communists.
"If Napoleon says it, it must be right." --Boxer
"I will work harder" -- Boxer

more like gullible and naive
I'll just never understand this fear of communism. As a political system it just doesn't work because it ignores how humans are - naturally selfish.
The Constitution was written with that in mind and encourages people to negotiate their desires so that everyone gets something

communism just falls on it's own weaknesses. no need to force anything - or take away the rights of Americans
i took a government class that discussed the various forms of governments available to man. the professor argued that at some point, all governments take on the positions of this government or that one to some degree or another. which if one considers it with an open mind is certainly true. the instructor also posited to us that governments are in a constant state of ebb and flux, and that governments that stand up fervently for "their own" preferred method of governing usually end up going the exact opposite way eventually. although china wasn't available as an example it is now. what started out as communism is shifting slowly to commucaptalism, just as the US, an alleged federal republic (democracy of sorts) now spins into fascism (corporate rule).
I think China is an interesting experiment. They certainly are making a run at a central 'communist' controlled system but allowing a free marke captalist economy. One noteable is much of China's Elite rulers were educated as Engineers. China probably has what one might consider the first Technocratic lead society.

(Which is unfortunate as many US leaders piss all over themselves trying to claim science is false and further denying scientific endeavors. )