Americans hate Obamacare

Costa Rica has universal health care? Almost everyone does.
well, that's kinda the point. old fat face doesn't seem to realize that he can't go anywhere without bumping into civilization.

The bottom line is that the United States has FINALLY entered the 21st Century
obviously fat face rush and all the other idiots need help figuring out where to move to now that Civilization in the's a map to help out:

I can't wait for the idiots to just move
So long as they go to the grey areas. We don't need more idiots up here - then Harper will never lose!
that's exactly Where i want them to move. make it look like those areas are neato vacation spots and they will flock there in 2 seconds
I've been encouraging my Libertarian friends to move to Kenya. Seems they really don't want to put their money where their mouth is and live in a society closer to their morals. Go figure. Even Rand didn't do this, she took government monies for her cancer treatments.
The Affordable Care Act seeks to cover the uninsured in two ways: It requires states to expand Medicaid to cover those earning less than 133 percent of the federal poverty level, with the federal government initially picking up the full tab (though federal funding would later fall to cover just 90 percent of the cost of expansion). It also creates new subsidies to help people at slightly higher income levels afford private insurance on new insurance exchanges.

26 states filed a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services challenging the ACA’s Medicaid expansion provision, saying it was “unconstitutionally coercive of states,”

The Supreme Court agreed, ruling the federal government can not punish states for refusing to expand Medicaid eligibility under ACA

So no need to move, ObamaCare will never be enacted. Implementing ACA will now cost the federal government an additional 50 to 100 billion per year, that can't be forced to be paid for by the states. "Its a tax bill"

So if you want your socialist universal health care, your going to have to move, I suggest the socialist utopia of Cuba, it has the Michael Moore medical seal of approval.
[...] I suggest the socialist utopia of Cuba, [...]

Still choked at the fact they kicked the US out and never submitted again to the American yoke no matter how much you tried to strangle them economically.
"Is the Affordable Care Act really “the largest tax increase in the history of the world,” as Rush Limbaugh so grandiloquently put it? No. It’s not even the largest tax increase in the history of this country."

Fortunately, in its 2010 Long-Term Budget Outlook, the Congressional Budget Office resolved this problem, estimating the size of the Affordable Care Act’s tax increase in the year 2020, by which point all the taxes will be fully in effect. So how big is it? One half of one percent of GDP. That’s about the size of Bill Clinton’s 1993 tax increase or George Bush’s 1991 tax increase, and much smaller than Ronald Reagan’s 1982 tax increase.

Still, it’s a big tax increase. The money, though, is not coming from the source that many suspect -- or even from one that Republicans necessarily oppose.
26 states filed a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services challenging the ACA’s Medicaid expansion provision, saying it was “unconstitutionally coercive of states,”

26 republican leaning states filing suits means bupkis... sorry man, just how it is... thats not a "standard" being set its a political point trying to be scored... we let u guys have ur endless fawking war... can we please at some point throw our collective monies towards making people not hurt??>???

The Supreme Court agreed, ruling the federal government can not punish states for refusing to expand Medicaid eligibility under ACA

true enuff, but guess what, it's called an "unfunded mandate" and the fed gov does it all the time. do you know why your state complies with speed limits? if they don't they dont get fed money to repave the roads, coercion you call it, the rest of us call it common sense. i notice there are few "unpaved" roads in tejas. so apparently ru paul agrees...

So no need to move, ObamaCare will never be enacted. Implementing ACA will now cost the federal government an additional 50 to 100 billion per year, that can't be forced to be paid for by the states. "Its a tax bill"

funny, the rmoney people cant decide whether its a tax or a penalty and it all comes down to how it was "described", well i describe it as good for all... ENJOY!!!

So if you want your socialist universal health care, your going to have to move, I suggest the socialist utopia of Cuba, it has the Michael Moore medical seal of approval.

it is still a criminal offense to travel to cuba... are u suggesting people commit crimes? what would be so wrong about us fixing our own country? why is it merica love it or leave it with you fellers, never hey lets fix some of the broken stuff...

mrphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... really?
It’s "a tax" because the Supreme Court has ruled that the only way the Mandate was Constitutional was if it was "a tax"

The IRS is now the health care enforcer

So far 13,000 pages of rules and regulations have been written by HHS to implement ACA's Individual mandate and that's just one small part of the bill.

and the IRS is hiring an additional 16500 agents to help enforce the law

"it's a tax"

big deal. people pay to have the roads maintained. to have a post office, to have electricity delivered to their homes....and so on.... ....... Because of this children will go see doctors BEFORE they are sicker, Because of this even adults will appreciate maintaining their own health. And they WON'T avoid going to get help for fear it will bankrupt their entire family.

I WANT my fellow citizens to be healthier. It's good for everyone...Even the morons that don't appreciate it