Americans hate Obamacare

see and im not having fun when people do that so it isnt fun, doesnt meet the standard of fun, and social norms tend to agree....
Maybe you might think some of the other videos he's posted are fun, and inspirational .... because he takes the fun to a new level

he has fans on facebook,
He is inspirational because he is not afraid to be himself." -Destiney St. Denis

Another facebook site
"for people who are fascinated with him, or anything that goes against society, and their morals, or who would just want to have sex with him." -Allyssa Kerr
It has 165 members so far.

those social norms are skewed by all those stupid believers of the invisible sky god
“if a person doesn’t think that there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges?” Jeffrey Dahmer
. I understand you may idolize Dahmer but most atheists do not.
Now remember you are talking greed here. The atheists actions are less greedy because they aren't doing it in hopes they'll win favors from Big Sky Daddy.

Here's a good launching point that atheists are not only less greedy they are more generous link

It is important that when we look at the statistics it's atheists who are under represented in prison compared to their % of the population at large. And states with higher % of religiousness also have higher crime rates per capita. If what you are implying is true why are the statistics against you?
. The atheists actions are less greedy because they aren't doing it in hopes they'll win favors from Big Sky Daddy.

It is important that when we look at the statistics it's atheists who are under represented in prison compared to their % of the population at large.

These atheist actions are because they like to have fun, and they've decided the most fun they can have is engaging in necrophilia
a moral nihilist would say that killing someone, for whatever reason, is neither inherently right nor inherently wrong. Moral nihilists consider morality to be constructed, a complex set of rules and recommendations that may give a psychological, social, or economical advantage to its adherents, but is otherwise without universal or even relative truth in any sense

If they're in prison I'm pretty sure there is some serious religious morality they violated to get there, and they have a big incentive to reform before they go to the parole hearing
These atheist actions are because they like to have fun, and they've decided the most fun they can have is engaging in necrophilia
You asserted that Missionaries aren't greedy. They are as all the religious ones are doing it with the benefit of helping themselves get into heaven. It's not true that any atheists, except 1, are eating people. Nor are all mass murders atheists. Gein was a Christian. Gacy was a Catholic who read the bible as he was killing his victims.

If they're in prison I'm pretty sure there is some serious religious morality they violated to get there, and they have a big incentive to reform before they go to the parole hearing
But wait you told us Christians are more moral. But now they aren't? Can you explain what you are trying to assert?
ROFL atheist don't give more that a token amount to charities
Thats more a reflection of the composite of society. Church goers attend weekly meetings where they are asked to donate. There is nothing similar for atheists. We have no collective church to attend. If all is equal, like in the experiments, and an equal opportunity is made for both it's the Atheists who come out on top. In reality most Atheists realize we have 1 chance at this life and appreciate it deeper and aren't greedy in the way you state. Heck it's notable that Enrons CEO Skilling attended church on a regular basis in Houston. His Christianity, if anything, excused his immorality.
Only because there were too many believers of the invisible sky god on the jury indoctrinated with commandments and morality
So a jury that didn't have the benefit of sky faerie would just figure that they could let him go and there wouldn't be any danger of anyone they know getting eaten?

We have a very simple morality at base. Bad things are those things that we don't want to have done to us. If people are doing those sort of bad things we need those people to stop so that they don't do those bad things ... to us.

That's why killing and eating a cow is not considered a bad thing ... but killing and eating a PERSON ... is.
Church goers attend weekly meetings where they are asked to donate. There is nothing similar for atheists. We have no collective church to attend.

life is not equal, it's not an experiment, they attend, and donate time and money because they make the time, its important to them

Christianity does not excuse immorality, forgiveness requires repentance and penance
It's not true that any atheists, except 1, are eating people.

Not all atheists are posting videos of eating people, some are of killing and dismemberment, necrophilia, feeding kittens to a snake, ...

a moral nihilist would say that killing someone, for whatever reason, is neither inherently right nor inherently wrong. Moral nihilists consider morality to be constructed, a complex set of rules and recommendations that may give a psychological, social, or economical advantage to its adherents, but is otherwise without universal or even relative truth in any sense
life is not equal, it's not an experiment, they attend, and donate time and money because they make the time, its important to them
. They give because someone bugs them about it weekly. Atheists don't have this going on. They give because in front of their watchful eye of friends they need to keep up th pretense. There is no Atheist friend holding a social relationship hot poker to your feet.

Christianity does not excuse immorality, forgiveness requires repentance and penance
In general I agree with you here. It's just a matter of fact that a fair number of Christians act like it does.
So a jury that didn't have the benefit of sky faerie would just figure that they could let him go and there wouldn't be any danger of anyone they know getting eaten?

But the sky faerie says that, if he "did the crime" he must "do the time"

That's why killing and eating a cow is not considered a bad thing ... but killing and eating a PERSON ... is.
a moral nihilist would say that killing someone, is the same as killing a cow, there is a social advantage to not being caught killing someone, but it just a matter of risk versus reward.
A moral nihilist would.
. It is the case that not all atheists are moral nihilists. Nor are all nihilists atheists. There are Christian nihilists. And certainly if you read Neitzsche you'd know he views Christianity as Nihilistic as it values reward in heaven over anything on earth. Making all Christians do as fairly pointless here as its all a bribe for Sky Daddy.
But the sky faerie says that, if he "did the crime" he must "do the time"
Seriously? Quote Christ's words where he said this. Gospel Chapter and verse please. I've got my Bible waiting.
. They give because someone bugs them about it weekly. Atheists don't have this going on. They give because in front of their watchful eye of friends they need to keep up th pretense.

And being "bugged" to do good works and charity is bad for society in what way?

.There is no Atheist friend holding a social relationship hot poker to your feet.

Seriously? Quote Christ's words where he said this. Gospel Chapter and verse please. I've got my Bible waiting.
The Ten Commandments represent the moral and legal foundation of civil legal codes in Western Civilization

Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1–17 Deuteronomy 5:4–21.

Matthew 19:16
And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Romans 13:8
Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:2

In the Lord’s Prayer "we pray that God would forgive us as we forgive others." In order to forgive, you first have to “judge” what they have done wrong. To fail to "judge" it as wrong or sinful in the first place, makes it impossible to forgive.
The Ten Commandments represent the moral and legal foundation of civil legal codes in Western Civilization

First 5 are how to properly kiss Sky Daddy ass and are nowhere to be found in the US law. In fact many stores are open Sat and Sun keeping neither day Holy. (depends if your faith says Sat or Sun is the Sabbath)

Honoring your parents is no where to be found either.

Murdering and stealing. Laws against that are fairly universal between religions and no religious people. Thinking that only Christian is highly mistaken.

No laws against committing adultery. In fact if you want to be a swinger go for it. A swinger marriage is allowed by the west.

Don't covet? Capitalism would be dead with wanting what our neighbors have. Is ther a law that I can't install a pool after my neighbor? Without coveting there would be no completion.

This idea is pure bunk

This idea is pure bunk
"Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god?"
"Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god?"
Swear to not bear false witness in a court of law doesn't prove your claim that society is built on the 10 commandments. Nor is bearing false witness illegal in most cases. That idea goes against free speech. You do realize Fox News won a court case where they claimed lying is their right? Political speech isn't protected. Just because a candidate says X we aren't allowed to remove him by police action if he doesn't follow through.

Finally ther is no mandate to swear on the Bible. One must swear to tell the truth and if you want a different book or none at all you can speak up and say that. For a related example Islamic Congressman Ellison swore into office using Jefferson's copy of the Koran. Mandating the Bible only for candidates is actually against the Constitution. We cannot legally uphold our Representatives to any religious testing. Seems to me fairly logical that if we were Christian based we'd force only Christians to be in the government.

My fault for only getting in 9 of the Commandments. And I think this one has now been beat to death. A best we might have 2 out of 10 Commandments in our laws. And you should be surmised you didn't wke up to the Truth Police, but that's because we have no laws about lying in public, such as you just did about the 10 Commandments in Government.

... While you were wrong I might add good try. You at least pulled something out of the Gospel (though Romans isn't the Gospel so you might have left that out.) I would have gone to 'Pay God what is due God and pay Ceasar what is due Ceasar' I'd think that line was the closest thing to those who do the crime must be willing to do the time. It involved Jesus giving taxing and authorities to local governments and the need to respect both God's laws and man's laws.