And why do so many children suffer from poor nutrition?
• Is it because mothers do not realize what foods are most important (for example,
breast milk)?
• Is it because the family does not have enough money or land to produce the
food it needs?
• Is it because a few rich persons control most of the land and the wealth?
• Is it because the poor do
not make the best use of
land they have?
• Is it because parents have
more children than they or
their land can provide for,
and keep having more?
• Is it because fathers lose
hope and spend the little
money they have on drink?
• Is it because people do
not look or plan ahead?
Because they do not realize
that by working together and
sharing they can change the
conditions under which they
live and die?
You may find that many, if not
all, of these things lie behind infant
deaths in your area. You will, no
doubt, find other causes as well.
As a health worker it is your job to
help people understand and do
something about as many of these
causes as you can.
But remember: to prevent
frequent deaths from diarrhea will
take far more than latrines, pure
water, and ‘special drink’ (oral
rehydration). You may find that child
spacing, better land use, and fairer
distribution of wealth, land, and
power are more important in the
long run.
The causes that lie behind much
sickness and human suffering
are short-sightedness and greed.
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