Fake News

Don’t Mess With Fergus Falls

Der Spiegel reporter Claas Relotius sacked over 'invented' stories


This is CNN.

CNN’s ‘Journalist of the Year’ Fraudster Smeared Trump’s Rural America

“But how did he get with it for so long?” is the question almost no one is asking – because the answer’s obvious.

In the left-liberal mainstream media so long as you’re pushing the correct “woke” narrative you can get away with murder.

This is how serial fabricator and liar Jayson Blair got away with it for so long at the New York Times. He had arrived on an internship for minorities and knew exactly how to play his blackness to advantage in an environment suffused with white liberal guilt.

By all accounts, Blair was not hesitant to bring up race around the office. “As soon as we met, he wanted to know how I felt about him being a black man,” says a Times writer. “He was obsessed about how minorities were hired differently.”

Similar rules applied to Johann Hari, the award-winning British star journalist for theIndependent and other left-wing publications, who was eventually exposed as a serial plagiarist – stealing quotes from other people’s interviews as if they were his own.

Hari would have been rumbled much earlier – and would probably never have risen to the starry heights he achieved in his heyday – if his politics had not been so impeccably woke.

Journalistic malpractice of this kind is confined almost exclusively to the liberal-left.

This is not just because conservatives are generally better people (though we are), nor because we know the consequences of being found out would be much harsher and less sympathetic (though they would be because there’s nothing the left likes more than a conservative scalp). Mainly it has to do with the fact that the left and the right have entirely different moral outlooks.

As far as the right is concerned, truth is all. For a journalist the pursuit of the truth is the highest calling. Why would you want to make stuff up when reality is so much more interesting? And why would you need to slant your story in a right-wards direction when the facts of life are conservative anyway?

For the left, facts and logic are dispensable if twisted in the pursuit of a higher cause: the woke narrative. To use the example of Claas Relotius’s smearing of Fergus Falls, Minnesota at the beginning, it really doesn’t matter much to a leftist journalist if you tell lies about people who vote for Donald Trump. That’s because, in leftist eyes at least, Trump voters are at best stupid and at worst sick or evil – therefore by misrepresenting them you are not actually lying, only rearranging reality in order to serve a more important, higher truth.

This is why it has always struck me as a huge mistake, the way the left keeps banging on about #fakenews. It’s like Quasimodo telling everyone how ugly and hunchbacked they are. Look in the mirror, freak!
Trump proposes a government-run TV news network to counter CNN

I posted in another thread that shows exactly why Trump proposed such a thing. Lemme cut and past from that post.

The fact that they’re unsure whether to air the President’s address to the nation tells you everything you need to know about the Establishment Media.

TV Networks Consider Not Airing Trump’s Border Security Address

Several major television networks are apparently unsure whether or not to air President Trump’s live address to the nation on border security Tuesday due to concern over what he will say.

It's not their business to be the gatekeeper of words coming out of a duly elected president's mouth. If you still don't believe the Liberal Media is nothing more than Soros propaganda outlets, you are beyond help.

The POTUS giving an address is not news worthy? The Liberal Media are not legitimate news outlets. They have become open members of the "Resist" movement. They are petrified he is going to show and discuss what is actually happening. It is not the job of a "News" organization to set a narrative. But here we are. Meanwhile, Trump's approval rating among Republicans is in nosebleed territory.

Keep in mind GWB was higher because that poll was fresh off 9/11.

As I have been saying for the 23+ years I have been on the Interwebs. The US Liberal Media are propaganda outlets, paid for by a hand of Globalist Billionaires. I have been proven correct right here.
CNN is very, very fake news.

CNN legal analyst Areva Martin accuses David Webb of ‘white privilege’ before learning he’s black


It was a rough day for author and CNN legal analyst Areva Martin, as she accused Sirius XM radio and Fox Nation host David Webb of 'white privilege' during a segment on a radio program before he broke the news to her that he was actually black. The embarrassing moment occurred during a discussion about experience being more important than race when determining whether or not someone is qualified for a particular job.

I haven't seen this Gillette advert but have been vaguely aware of some controversy.
I've seen it. It's kind of cringe for it's attempt at wokeness and its theoretical underpinnings but if the job of advertising is to get your name out there, then it's winning. If the job of advertising is to sell your stuff - maybe not, but we shall see.
CNN declared: “Teens in Make America Great Again hats taunted a Native American elder at the Lincoln Memorial.”

One student wrote to a local news outlet begging it to tell the full story about what happened at the march:

I am a student at Covington Catholic and was present at the occurrence. Here is what truly happened …

In the midst of our cheers, we were approached by a group of adults led by Nathan Phillips, with Phillips beating his drum. They forced their way into the center of our group. We initially thought this was a cultural display since he was beating along to our cheers and so we clapped to the beat. … However, after multiple minutes of Mr. Phililps beating his drum directly in the face of my friend (mere centimeters from his nose), we became confused and started wondering what was happening. It was not until later that we discovered they would incriminate us as a publicity stunt. … To reiterate, we did not partake in any physical or verbal abuse … After that initial occurrence, we were then verbally assaulted by four or five African-American men who called us “faggots” and berated one of our African-American students for being friends with us. The truth needs to come out. I pray that you read this …
CNN declared: “Teens in Make America Great Again hats taunted a Native American elder at the Lincoln Memorial.”

One student wrote to a local news outlet begging it to tell the full story about what happened at the march:

I am a student at Covington Catholic and was present at the occurrence. Here is what truly happened …

In the midst of our cheers, we were approached by a group of adults led by Nathan Phillips, with Phillips beating his drum. They forced their way into the center of our group. We initially thought this was a cultural display since he was beating along to our cheers and so we clapped to the beat. … However, after multiple minutes of Mr. Phililps beating his drum directly in the face of my friend (mere centimeters from his nose), we became confused and started wondering what was happening. It was not until later that we discovered they would incriminate us as a publicity stunt. … To reiterate, we did not partake in any physical or verbal abuse … After that initial occurrence, we were then verbally assaulted by four or five African-American men who called us “faggots” and berated one of our African-American students for being friends with us. The truth needs to come out. I pray that you read this …
a Hollywood producer.
