Indisputable Proof Of Propaganda

Images can be hard to interpret. Long lenses and distort the distance between foreground and background for example.
As is exactly the case in this particular conspiracy theory. As I said, if it hadn't been for the official Kamala account nailing its colours to the mast of "real crowd" I would have fallen for it without another thought.
On the other hand, I have seen images that definitely look dodgy - and we have seen crowd enhancement before. However, it seems that Kamala is drawing crowds.
Some people seem unduly worried by that last sentence and are making themselves look incredibly stupid because of it, none more so than Trump himself. Fortunately for him, coming across as a senile old nutter doesn't seem anything like the vote loser it would have been for Biden. He could assert grass is blue and you'd immediately see armies of of his followers explain it away, evidence be damned. I've been amusingly surprised at the Kamala effect so far but I still think the assassination attempt will see Trump over the line.
You ignored the official tweet from Harris' official Twitter/X account.
Because we were talking about - in fact your entire argument was based upon - reflections from the plane.
If there are AI images being put out it would be hard to know if Trumps supporters were putting them out to muddy the water, or if the Kamala team were putting them out to trap Trump supporters into claiming her crowds were AI generated.

Ars have a piece on Trump lying to his gullible supporters about the supposedly fake crowd and it touches on that point (in bold italics).
Consider this a guide for potential techniques you can use the next time you come across accusations that some online image has been "A.I.'d" to fool you.

Context and sourcing​

By far the easiest way to tell Harris' crowds are real is from the vast number of corroborating sources showing those same crowds. Both the AP and Getty have numerous shots of the rally crowd from multiple angles, as do journalists and attendees who were at the event. Local news sources posted video of the crowds at the event, as did multiple attendees on the ground. Reporters from multiple outlets reported directly on the crowds in their accounts: Local outlet MLive estimated the crowd size at 15,000, for instance, while The New York Times noted that the event was "witnessed by thousands of people and news outlets, including The New York Times, and the number of attendees claimed by her campaign is in line with what was visible on the ground."

Suffice it to say that this mountain of evidence from direct sources weighs more heavily than marked-up images from conservative commentators like Chuck Callesto and Dinesh D'Souza, both of whom have been caught spreading election disinformation in the past.

When it comes to accusations of AI fakery, the more disparate sources of information you have, the better. While a single source can easily generate a plausible-looking image of an event, multiple independent sources showing the same event from multiple angles are much less likely to be in on the same hoax. Photos that line up with video evidence are even better, especially since creating convincing long-form videos of humans or complex scenes remains a challenge for many AI tools.
It's also important to track down the original source of whatever alleged AI image you're looking at. It's incredibly easy for a social media user to create an AI-generated image, claim it came from a news report or live footage of an event, then use obvious flaws in that fake image as "evidence" that the event itself was faked. Links to original imagery from an original source's own website or verified account are much more reliable than screengrabs that could have originated anywhere (and/or been modified by anyone).

Telltale signs​

While tracking down original and/or corroborating sources is useful for a major news event like a presidential rally, confirming the authenticity of single-sourced images and videos can be trickier. Tools like the Winston AI Image Detector or claim to use machine-learning models to figure out whether or not an image is AI. But while detection techniques continue to evolve, these kinds of tools are generally based on unproven theories that haven't been shown to be reliable in any broad studies, making the prospect of false positives/negatives a real risk.

Writing on LinkedIn, UC Berkeley professor Hany Farid cited two GetReal Labs models as showing "no evidence of AI generation" in the Harris rally photos posted by Trump. Farid went on to cite specific portions of the image that point to its authenticity.

"The text on the signs and plane show none of the usual signs of generative AI," Farid writes. "While the lack of evidence of manipulation is not evidence the image is real. We find no evidence that this image is AI-generated or digitally altered."

And even when portions of a photo appear to be nonsensical signs of AI manipulation (à la misshapen hands in some AI image models), consider that there may be a simple explanation for some seeming optical illusions. The BBC notes that the lack of a crowd reflection on the plane in some Harris rally photos could be caused by a large, empty area of tarmac between the plane and the crowd, as shown in reverse angles of the scene. Simply circling odd-looking things in a photo with a red marker is not necessarily strong evidence of AI manipulation in and of itself.

Trust no one?​

Trump's latest false claims about getting "A.I.'d" reflect that people can start to doubt authentic information just because of the potential for AI to generate a similar fake. We've recently seen this same "deep doubt" phenomenon manifest in conspiracy theorists who insist President Joe Biden has been replaced by an AI-powered hologram.
By encouraging his followers to doubt images that are clearly authentic (and that can be trivially confirmed as such), Trump appears to be trying to create a media environment where AI's mere existence means even multiple reliable sources of corroborating information can't necessarily be trusted. For a candidate who continues to falsely claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him, that could set a dangerous precedent for November's upcoming election.
Because we were talking about - in fact your entire argument was based upon - reflections from the plane.

You didn't even bother clicking the link I provided, so once again...


It was not "my entire argument" as my post before you said a single thing shows. Nice gaslighting.

You also implied that you don't think major "news" networks would carry water for the DNC. That's just sad.
It was not "my entire argument" as my post before you said a single thing shows. Nice gaslighting.
Well, it sure came across as your main argument. Your OP had highlighted fuselage reflections as proof there was no crowd. That was the point to which I responded and sourced a 20 minute clip to demonstrate the "reflections" claim was a load of misleading bollox. You only watched enough so you could highlight that exact same reflections, completely ignoring that it proved your "no crowd" propaganda to be just that; propaganda. If it was not your entire argument that the crowd was fake, it was certainly the main bit of evidence you were pushing.

Not that it matters, the point of your OP was that the crowd was fake.
This propaganda floated, not simply by the Trump campaign but by the senile old nutter himself, has now been so comprehensively debunked that your continued "don't back down, double down" approach is now just pitiful. There's no shame in admitting you were fooled by propaganda. We all get hoodwinked from time to time, as this thread rather exquisitely, if unintentionally ironically, demonstrates.
Not that it matters, the point of your OP was that the crowd was fake.
You STILL did not click the link! I linked to the OP on the subject and Kamala's official Twitter posted this pic claiming Trump lied and it is not a fake picture.


There's still issues with the plane still, but you are going out of your way to deflect and ignore everything else.
You STILL did not click the link!
I did and saw nothing of note to back up your ludicrous claim of a fake crowd size.
Your opening sentence, in case you've forgotten:
"Dems are straight up using AI to fake crowd sizes at Kamala events."
I linked to the OP on the subject and Kamala's official Twitter posted this pic claiming Trump lied
Trump DID lie. Just because you refuse to acknowledge it doesn't mean he didn't lie. He did. He claimed there was no crowd. You reposted it here, also claiming she faked the crowd size. You've both been proven to be spreading absolute horsefeathers.

and it is not a fake picture.
As far as I can tell the only thing fake about that picture is some post production & colour correction. No trickery with the crowd size, but you carry on with your increasingly unhinged flat-earth level denials of reality.
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Dems are straight up using AI to fake crowd sizes at Kamala events.
Lies, by both you and your deranged old hero.
Another part you ignored.
The ever reliable chatGPT being your last shred of evidence, apart from being tragic, could also be countered (already has, but you ignored it, ironic, eh?). However, until you acknowledge the lies about a fake crowd, why should I continue to debunk your nonsense?
The ever reliable chatGPT being your last shred of evidence

Considering your own eyeballs seem to be failing you every step of the way, apparently due to a terminal case of TDS.

why should I continue to debunk your nonsense

You ain't debunking sh*t. You are talking in circles ignoring what is right in front of your eyes.

You STILL did not click the link! I linked to the OP on the subject and Kamala's official Twitter posted this pic claiming Trump lied and it is not a fake picture.

View attachment 2808

There's still issues with the plane still, but you are going out of your way to deflect and ignore everything else.
To me it looked a bit sus the way some people look like cutouts and the crowd at the front are more like a texture than a bunch of individuals. I also thought it was odd the all the signs were pointing backwards to be read by the camera. (And the lack of reflections but that has been covered).
On seeing the video it's clear that a portion of the crowd is in the shade of a hangar and are therefore front lit which gives that bright outline effect, and the other part of the crowd is washed out because of the huge difference in brightness. The signs, I presume, are double sided.

People are probably genuinely excited that they don't have to vote for a corpse. This woman is failing upwards like a rocket. (Of course, she'll have to prove what a bad ass she is when she gets in by immediately going to war. That might have been another reason to oust Biden - he may have been doing some of that annoying diplomacy lately).
On seeing the video it's clear that a portion of the crowd is in the shade of a hangar and are therefore front lit which gives that bright outline effect, and the other part of the crowd is washed out because of the huge difference in brightness. The signs, I presume, are double sided.
Maybe he'll listen to a fellow Trump supporter because no matter how many times I lead that horse to water.....
You ain't debunking sh*t.
Not even this?
Dems are straight up using AI to fake crowd sizes at Kamala events.
Or this?
Look closely at the reflection in the engine shroud. What do you see??? NOTHING. It's photoshopped to make it look like she got a huge crowd. They keep lying to you!!
Or this one (followed by your red reflection markings):
Using the very video you reference here, I took this screenshot myself and marked it up.
Or this one (about your red reflection markings):
You have zero defense of the screenshot of the video you yourself posted.
You still think none of that was debunked?
your own eyeballs seem to be failing you every step of the way, apparently due to a terminal case of TDS
This kind of projection is almost perfect too. "Trump Derangement Syndrome" could have been coined specifically to describe you. :p
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I reposted a screenshot of my "violation" on Fakebook and commented this:

Fakebook is engaging in election interference yet again. Yes posting this screenshot will probably get me Fakebook Jail. I don't care. No I don't think this was a bot or AI misunderstanding. The capital letter D inside ( ) brackets has demoted someone is a Democrat for centuries just as (R) denotes a Republican. It's all about artificially boosting one candidate, shielding that person from any strong criticism.

Do your worst Fakebook, I don't care.

election interference.jpg
I reposted a screenshot of my "violation" on Fakebook and commented this:

Fakebook is engaging in election interference yet again. Yes posting this screenshot will probably get me Fakebook Jail. I don't care. No I don't think this was a bot or AI misunderstanding. The capital letter D inside ( ) brackets has demoted someone is a Democrat for centuries just as (R) denotes a Republican. It's all about artificially boosting one candidate, shielding that person from any strong criticism.

Do your worst Fakebook, I don't care.

View attachment 2814

Wow, a first for me! Progress by Fakebook!

a first.jpg

Or maybe the reviewer is the Pro Palestine type! :lol:

Ooops! Government Says It Overestimated Job Gains By 818,000

According to revised government data, employment growth from April 2023 to March 2024 amounted to roughly 2.1 million jobs, a substantial downgrade from the originally reported 2.9 million.

The revision undercuts claims by Kamala Harris that the Biden administration’s policies have created a very strong jobs market. This is the largest downward revision since 2009.

The revision means that the economy added an average of 173,000 jobs per month during that period, down from the previously estimated 242,000. This indicates that the labor market was not as strong as it looked during the period and began to soften earlier than thought.


Largest downward revision since 2009. Gee, who was the POTUS in 2009? You don't just "accidentally" count an additional nearly 1M jobs. Straight up propaganda to pretend things are so much better than they really are right before the election. They got to use the fake numbers in their Convention and the Liberal Media will largely ignore the downward revision. Heck, like the proven "nice people on both sides" hoax, the liars will probably just keep repeating it. Dems are desperate to be lied to.
Everyone remembers the headlines. Almost no one sees the retraction. All by design because certain people are low information and just stupid.

PBS News Reporter Retracts False Claim That Trump Tried To Sabotage Israel Hostage Deal

“I want to clarify my remarks on the PBS News special on Monday night about the ongoing cease fire talks in the Middle East,” she said in a post on X. “As I said, this was not based on my original reporting; I was referring to reports I had read, in Axios and Reuters, about former President Trump having spoken to the Israeli Prime Minister.”

“In the live TV moment, I repeated the story because I hadn’t seen later reporting that both sides denied it,” she continued. “This was a mistake and I apologize for it.”

Zuckerberg: Biden-Harris ‘Repeatedly Pressured’ Us To Censor Free Speech

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a letter on Monday that the Biden-Harris administration repeatedly pressured his company — which includes Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, and more — to censor content that is protected free speech.

Zuckerberg made the admission in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) this week in which he said that his goal moving forward was to “be neutral and not play a role one way or another” for either any political party or ideology. He said he doesn’t even want the appearance of playing a role and will not be making political contributions.

“In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree,” he said in the letter. “Ultimately, it was our decision whether or not to take content down, and we own our decisions, including COVID-19-related changes we made to our enforcement in the wake of this pressure.”

I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” he continued. “I also think we made some choices that. with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today. Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction — and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

He said that the company made a mistake by temporarily demoting a New York Post story during the 2020 election about Hunter Biden’s laptop after officials falsely suggested that it was part of a “Russian disinformation operation.”

It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story,” he said. “We’ve changed our policies and processes to make sure this doesn’t happen again – for instance, we no longer temporarily demote things in the U.S while waiting for fact-checkers.”

So many threads this could be dropped in. Too many people still choose sleep.