Two explosions went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon

While the massive amounts of video and photography has helped move this case along there is also a downside to the camera society.
For his sake, I hope he never decides to wear a while baseball cap backwards. In fact no one should anytime about now. No, not even if you're the police:


Not. Too. Smart.
Honestly, I don't think Putin is all that happy about this. The main reason is that it draws attention. Putin has had the free reign for over a decade in Chechnya. No one has cared one way or the other about what Putin does, and for the most part because most people haven't cared to find out what he's up to. Now they might and I can't see him being excited about that.

i knew we'd find some noble motive behind all of this... apparently we have...
It was fairly pathetic and illegal that Boston fell into near martial law. No rights of Americans should have been infringed to capture these guys. Most of the city could have gone about it's business without much hubbub. Larger member drug rings and mafia have been caught and we didn't need to lock up thousands in their home to do it.
It was fairly pathetic and illegal that Boston fell into near martial law. No rights of Americans should have been infringed to capture these guys. Most of the city could have gone about it's business without much hubbub. Larger member drug rings and mafia have been caught and we didn't need to lock up thousands in their home to do it.
I have to admit it's quite shocking to see so many guys in uniform running around Boston. Now, we have to remember that we're looking at photos and one photo can't be extrapolated to the entire city. Is the entire metropolitan city of Boston all locked down? I doubt they have the man power for that.

At the same time, we're talking about a really massive crime scene. And drug dealers and mafia are quite different from terrorists. Drug dealers and mafia are motivated by money but this guy seems suicidal and very dangerous not just to police but to everyone. I'd be a lot less worried about the drug dealer because he's not likely to pose a direct threat to anyone. But this guy? Well, they've gone on the offensive twice now, just letting him slip away so that he can kill again - and there's no reason that he won't, seems irresponsible.
Is the entire metropolitan city of Boston all locked down? I doubt they have the man power for that.
"Authorities in Boston suspended all mass transit and warned close to 1 million people in the entire city and some of its suburbs to stay indoors as the hunt for Suspect No. 2 went on. Businesses were asked not to open. People waiting at bus and subway stops were told to go home.

From Watertown to Cambridge, police SWAT teams, sharpshooters and FBI agents surrounded various buildings as police helicopters buzzed overhead and armored vehicles rumbled through the streets. Authorities also searched trains."
"Police expanded their order to residents to stay at home to the city of Boston, in addition to several communities surrounding Boston. Residents are being told to keep their doors locked and not to open them unless there is a properly identified police officer. The order comes amid a massive manhunt for a 19-year-old suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing"
Well, they've gone on the offensive twice now, just letting him slip away so that he can kill again - and there's no reason that he won't, seems irresponsible.
Certainly it'd be irresponsible to let them get away. They seem not to be suicidal, as they didn't stick around to be part of the bodies. So they are going to run and/or fight. I maybe falling into the Redrumloa conspiracy thought but it seems an overt use of gov force to demand people give up their first amendment rights temporarily to catch a criminal.
They seem not to be suicidal, as they didn't stick around to be part of the bodies. So they are going to run and/or fight. I maybe falling into the Redrumloa conspiracy thought but it seems an overt use of gov force to demand people give up their first amendment rights temporarily to catch a criminal.
Well, no, not suicidal as in "I'm so depressed I just wanna end it all", more like "you'll never catch me alive". I say suicidal because it's kinda unusual for someone who's on the run and wants to stay hidden to start doing high profile things like armed robbery, car jacking and walking up to a cop and blowing him away at point blank. They're on the offensive and I doubt they're delusional enough to think they can take on the Boston PD and win. Also, there's word that they had explosives strapped to themselves and that the one who died suffered burns from his own explosive device.

Honestly, if someone like that was running around my area I'd rather take the day off work and my kids take a day off school. Nothing wrong with a bit of family time.

The thing is that with all this police in the area: 1) he better get caught 2) no one should get accidentally screwed over by the police and 3) whether they get him or not, the lock down must end soon.
It was fairly pathetic and illegal that Boston fell into near martial law. No rights of Americans should have been infringed to capture these guys. Most of the city could have gone about it's business without much hubbub. Larger member drug rings and mafia have been caught and we didn't need to lock up thousands in their home to do it.

Welcome to the new America.
But you need to use the qualifier "in the US" because doing it anywhere else is fine - and yet no-one has yet stated categorically that they wouldn't. In response to Rand Paul, Holder said:
Well I thought we already discussed this. My argument was and still is that drone strikes in the US are not operationally any different from an F-16 strike - something that has been available for decades but never once used. Flying UAVs for surveillance doesn't automatically mean they'll fly UAVs with hellfire missiles. Did people freak out when police departments started flying police helicopters fearing they'd be armed like gunships raining hellfire on the freeways? Firing missiles from a UAV provides no political or tactical advantage in the US over an F-16 or gunship. And I can't fathom a situation where a UAV missile is required or where police on the ground couldn't fill a target with enough bullets to kill them until they are dead.
there seems to be something going on....there's a "boat".......I just love the news media...:rolleyes: