Two explosions went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon

So today I did a bit of work, I walked the dog, I did some gardening and now I'm sitting outside in the sun while my son is in his Tae Kwon Do class. Anything interesting happen today?
nope - not a damn thing
nope - not a damn thing
Oh wait, Vladimir Putin offered to help America. That's something.


Time News today is Rand Paul just made the cover. That'll be good for all the conservative nutters that claim a relationship between Hitler and Obama because they were both on Time.

EDIT here's the image:
under Bush the new legal (fiction) category of unlawful combatant was invented to deal with fighting forces not in uniform such as irregular forces and ... terrorists
1949 Geneva Convention:

an "unlawful combatant" deliberately attempts to blend into the civilian population - violating the requirement of having a "fixed distinctive sign" and "carrying arms openly."

FluffyMcDeath said:
There is very little to stop a president declaring the Boston bombers terrorists engaged in unlawful combat and that would mean they could be killed by drones on US soil.
federal law enforcement officials invoked the public safety exception to the Miranda rights, so that Tsarnaev will be questioned without having Miranda rights read to him

FluffyMcDeath said:
if some bomber managed to flee by vehicle to some highway and was followed by a drone, how many people would object to a missile taking the guy out (outside of those ACLU lawyers and some lefty weirdos like Chomsky and Kucinich ... and Paul). I'm sure there'd be a fair chunk of the population fist pumping and Boo-ya yelling.

If ONLY, he had fled to Norm Chomsky's house ...
Any guess what party he would be registered to?

I suspect they were registered when they got their drivers licences, under the Motor voter registration

Just shows there are no checks to see if they were actually eligible

as devout Salafi i doubt they actually voted, they frown on democracy as being non Sharia law, prefer an emir

although it being Massachusetts, some one probably noticed they forgot to request an absentee ballot and helpfully got one for them, then helpfully mailed it back
Don't forget my positions on that BS... Katrina aftermath was the test bed for how far they could go. They went as far as they wanted with no repercussion.

On the contrary, there were plenty of repercussions: It supplied far right dittoheads with talking points for the foreseeable future, which in turn led to greater levels of distrust for all forms of government. It also guaranteed that minority voters would actively avoid the Republican party.

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On the contrary, there were plenty of repercussions: It supplied far right dittoheads with talking points for the foreseeable future, which in turn led to greater levels of distrust for all forms of government. It also guaranteed that minority voters would actively avoid the Republican party.

Sent from my ARCHOS 80G9 using Tapatalk HD

Lord have mercy... :rolleyes:
So why do home invasions and car jackings occur so rarely in Texas??
Your first assumption is thieves are rational. If so they wouldn't be thieves.
Do guns in Texas dissuade crime? Perhaps. As you didn't provide any statistics to back up your claims let's look at those and see.

Texas ranks 30th in guns per capita rates :
Texas ranks 15th for most violent crimes:

If there was a direct relationship as you indicate would we not see these ranks more in alignment? As the USA has higher gun ownership rate than Europe. Europe has a lower violent crime and lower murder rate than the USA. It's a truism that guns are but one of many factors within a society that dissuade criminals, but not the only one.

Texas rates closer for murder 23rd:
So using your logic above if gun ownership lowers the rate of crime something else is then worsening their murder rate. Perhaps some criminals prefer not having to spend the next 40 years of their life in jail, so it makes killing someone a bit easier. Perhaps the Death Penalty is increasing the murder rate.
So now that it's all over can we go back to hating the Bruins?

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meanwhile, in Arkansas (where there are apparently way to many douchebags)

Bell's comments are deeply offensive to those of us who live in the Greater Boston area. We have family members and friends who are being terrorized by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The people of Boston have shown remarkable courage. patience, and humanity during a time of tragedy. To see an elected official use the pain and suffering of our neighbors turned into an opportunity for partisan grandstanding is beyond insensitive, it is barbaric.

Rep. Bell should do the right thing and consider resigning his seat.

best comment on the page:
Just another republican putz who thinks there is only 1 amendment and the rest of the Constitution is just to used for packing for their muskets
redrumloa said:
Any guess what party he would be registered to?
It could be anything. Extreme elements of political and religious groups tend to believe the same things. For example, fundamentalists or right wing Christians, right wing Jews, and right wing Islam all share the demands of anti-abortions, pro-death penalty, anti-gay rights, disdain of liberals, and putting their religious as the primary document for their nation. The groups hate each other over the selection of the wrong god. A large majority of the way they want us to live our lives is the same. Which party are they registered for just scratches the surface. WHY? Is the more interesting question.