Joe Rogan Butthurt Cream

Grownups just a few years ago were able to handle hearing things they disagreed with, or being aware that people with differing opinions existed.

When was Alex Jones deplatformed? 4-5 years ago? I warned what was coming at the time and found near zero support or care. Maybe you shared some concern, but that was about it. The narrative about Alex was not true, but people just wanted him gone. They believed what the "mainstream" told them and silly things like facts weren't going to sway them. Alex was a bit of a buffoon and a bit of a carnie, but he was not as presented for cancelation. The problem was he was getting too close to the truth on a lot of "conspiracy theories" that were actually hard fact. When trying to explain to people back then why the coordinated deplatforming of Alex Jones was a terrible precedent, most just repeated the talking point of "I don't care, I just want him gone". Later the sitting President Of The United States got much the same treatment, the same people remained silent because orangemanbad or something.

Fast forward to current day, current year, we get close the inevitable end point of cancel culture and even normies are starting to freak out. I was getting my hair cut today by woman who wanted to talk politics (groan). Even people like my stylist are complaining about cancel culture. She's probably mad Whoopie got a 2 week suspension from The View, I didn't ask :lol:

It's not going to stop. It's always been about control. Just like Alex Jones was too close to the truth on certain subjects, Joe Rogan apparently was unwittingly getting too close on something too. He's gotten so big, he could become the mainstream. I guess it is good people are waking up to the problem with "cancel culture", but it is probably too little too late. Most people won't realize that THEY are the problem we got where we are right now with it. They all wanted easy answers from Pop culture and the "mainstream" media. Thinking for yourself takes too much energy and makes you unpopular.
Woke is bad.
Awakening is good.
Grammatically they both fail. Waking or Awaking would be better. Waking up is an overused metaphor but what was wrong with his information and what about his opinions liken him to Qanon.
Woke is bad.
Awakening is good.

Insomnia however can lead to:
  • Irritability, depression or anxiety
  • Difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks or remembering
  • Increased errors or accidents
Grammatically they both fail. Waking or Awaking would be better. Waking up is an overused metaphor but what was wrong with his information and what about his opinions liken him to Qanon.
Qanon has always been awash with predictions of "the great awakening". It's one of a few prominent catch phrases associated with the movement/cult/religion (delete to taste). As for Brand, I seem to recall him doing a pretty balanced video on Qanon a year or so ago, where he explicitly said he didn't want to indulge in the kind of join-the-faint-dots speculation Qanon often deals in. Despite that, in some of Brand's more recent videos, that's exactly what he does. The "Neil Young is controlled by Pfizer" one on this thread is a case in point. But his subscribers are still climbing so I suppose it's working for him. ;)
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Yup, sharks pounce when they smell blood in the water.

BOKHARI: Joe Rogan Apologized – and the Mob Pounced

Bokhari: "[Joe] Rogan is making a classic error — assuming the torrent of hate he’s facing comes from a place of good faith, and that he can make it go away by addressing the mob’s concerns, apologizing, and pledging to do better."
Sorry for the popup Robert. I've copied most everything here.


It looks like Neil Young enjoyed getting more attention than he's gotten since the 90s. The elderly rocker who started the Joe Rogan/Spotify drama is back, and he has a new demand for the music streaming platform or, more specifically, their employees. Get out while you still can.

Young posted on his website the following call to arms: “To the workers at SPOTIFY, I say Daniel Ek is your big problem—not Joe Rogan. Ek pulls the strings. Get out of that place before it eats up your soul. The only goals stated by Ek are about numbers—not art, not creativity.”

Very reminiscent of the open borders advocate who started drama lying about a border patrol agent whipping someone, then claiming it's not about his lie. Young's issue totally isn't with Joe Rogan. It's with Spotify!

This all started when Young demanded Spotify either remove Joe Rogan or remove Neil's music. The move was met with indifference. Mixed with some people who confused him with Neil Diamond and wondered how they would listen to "Love on the Rocks" again. Leftists and the media (but I repeat myself) got excited because they thought they could take out Rogan by claiming "misinformation." When that didn't work, they tried claiming "racism." I think this is where Young saw his opening.

The problem with Young's latest scam is that I'm sure Spotify employees talk to Netflix employees. At Netflix, they tried walking out over an artist accused of an -ism. It didn't work out for them.
Sorry for the popup Robert. I've copied most everything here.
Thank you.
“To the workers at SPOTIFY, I say Daniel Ek is your big problem—not Joe Rogan. Ek pulls the strings. Get out of that place before it eats up your soul.”
Joe Rogan is not a big problem? With all that vaccine "misinformation" he spreads?
That's a slightly odd thing for Neil Young's handlers at Pfizer to make him say. :D *

*before anyone comes back with an earnest, convoluted false-flag/remove the-head-of-the-hydra/misdirection/real-politik attempt at explaining why Pfizer making Young say the above isn't odd at all, it's meant as a joke. ;)
Checks out. Tweets still up. But it's not just Snowden that says that. And it's not just Rogan you can say it about.
In fact, I find that it is common for people to have very strong opinions about things they have no direct knowledge of (perhaps even because).
Personal anecdote - within days of the shootings in Kenosha, after I had already watched copious amounts of on the scene footage fro the incident, I was talking to someone who was talking about Kyle "murdering" protesters. I thought, from my viewing of the footage, that it was clearly self defense and that the people shot were not the innocents that this person was asserting them to be.
When I suggested that we watch the footage they refused - "why would I want to see that?"
And there you have it. The lie protects itself. If you believe that the footage is going to show some nazi calmly popping off rounds into a peaceful crowd of black protesters, coldly picking them off one by one, then why WOULD you want to watch that? And that's why there were so many people even after the Rittenhouse verdict who thought that he had shot three black people.
Checks out. Tweets still up. But it's not just Snowden that says that. And it's not just Rogan you can say it about.
In fact, I find that it is common for people to have very strong opinions about things they have no direct knowledge of (perhaps even because).
Personal anecdote - within days of the shootings in Kenosha, after I had already watched copious amounts of on the scene footage fro the incident, I was talking to someone who was talking about Kyle "murdering" protesters. I thought, from my viewing of the footage, that it was clearly self defense and that the people shot were not the innocents that this person was asserting them to be.
When I suggested that we watch the footage they refused - "why would I want to see that?"
And there you have it. The lie protects itself. If you believe that the footage is going to show some nazi calmly popping off rounds into a peaceful crowd of black protesters, coldly picking them off one by one, then why WOULD you want to watch that? And that's why there were so many people even after the Rittenhouse verdict who thought that he had shot three black people.

It's worse than that. It's not that they don't want to view some vile act. Subconsciously they have a defense mechanism against anything that might challenge their world view. These are shallow and extremely weak minded people. Actually it's probably not even subconscious, it's probably a fully conscious decision.
Just another video on the Facebook fact checks the British Medical Journal
Sam Harris has weighed in with his own tuppence worth. I thought this was pretty balanced and, similar to John Stewart's take, about a close to my own views as I've heard anywhere, even though I don't agree with it all word-for-word. Having said that, Sam & Joe are pals so you can judge for yourself whether that has any bearing on his views.
Sam Harris has weighed in with his own tuppence worth. I thought this was pretty balanced and, similar to John Stewart's take, about a close to my own views as I've heard anywhere, even though I don't agree with it all word-for-word. Having said that, Sam & Joe are pals so you can judge for yourself whether that has any bearing on his views.
And that's what makes Sam Harris "far right"
And that's what makes Sam Harris "far right"
I wasn't aware of that and it would mean I am also "far right". I've always thought of Sam as kinda middling but more left than right on most issues.
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You are missing out on all the free wisdom available on twitter.
Oh, that? I think that's the same list Russel Brand was upset about being included on in his video yesterday. Compiled by an angry idiot is my guess. :D I can understand it, to a certain extent; "I don't like what you're saying so you must be right wing". But it's vacuous and as lacking in nuance as most political commentary nowadays.
And "Left" and "Right" are becoming increasingly meaningless as political descriptions anyway.
Oh, that? I think that's the same list Russel Brand was upset about being included on in his video yesterday. Compiled by an angry idiot is my guess. :D I can understand it, to a certain extent; "I don't like what you're saying so you must be right wing". But it's vacuous and as lacking in nuance as most political commentary nowadays.
And "Left" and "Right" are becoming increasingly meaningless as political descriptions anyway.
It's the old "Everyone I hate is Hitler". Passes for debate these days, apparently. Almost feel like a giant solar flare that knocks out the electric grid for a few months would be a positive thing on balance. Got a feeling that blue checks would be among the first people to starve to death.