I was under the impression that God wasn't cited in the US constitution?
Not being American, I may have imagined this.
trust me, as someone (and I often feel as if I'm the only one) who has read the constitution, it was written Specifically to not say anything about 'god'.
That's because the writers of said document understood the simple fact that the Only way to have complete religious freedom is to have the government completely out of the discussion. idiots like bachmann and perry to name but two seem to completely miss that point.
I have no problem walking around an Italian neighborhood and looking at the various statues of Mary, Joseph and whoever on their lawns. It's THEIR private property. they can do as they like with it. No State, local or federal government can tell someone where they can go to church, temple, synagogue, or do nothing on Saturday/Sunday.
When crazy religious freaks insist they have the 10 commandments on court house property - government property, they forget that that is MY property as a voter. I don't want some ridiculous religious nonsense on MY property. The way to deal with that is stated in the Constitution: nothing related to religion is involved with government. period, the end.
It annoys me when 'god' is mentioned in the pledge of allegiance, but I deal with that by simply NOT saying that part whenever the moment comes up. If I was called to jury duty I would NOT swear on a bible, I would "Affirm". (do a search, it's out there. It's legal).
I don't care if people pray because it's their choice, just like it's my choice not to. I'm really quite relaxed about all that UNTIL some wacko tries to make a law that forces his dopey ideas down my throat. THEN I get pissed off.
religion is private. religion is like one's underwear. it's in really poor taste to go around pulling your pants down in public and showing your underwear. or telling me I have to get your brand of underwear. I mean, mind your own damn business, buddy.
I don't mind talking about underwear in a theoretical sense, I just don't want to have your undies in my face.
eeewwwww, yuk