An interesting idea concerning the identity of God


Great video.

Any four year old child could understand that video.
Anyone who doesn't understand that is either deliberately refusing to acknowledge it or hopelessly daft.
"hopelessly daft" is a perfect definition of those numb-skulls

they have no idea how tiresome they are being so uneducated.
the entire world is rolling their eyes at America and they just don't get it
I think the main reason for any disdain for atheists in 2011 comes from the atheists disdain for people of faith.
There are clearly different types of approaches to a belief system. On one hand you have Richard Dawkins who is fairly in your face. Some might say Evengelical about his beliefs. On the other hand you have Carl Sagan or Neil Degrasse Tyson whose approach is different and try to rationally explain why a belief isn't good. Actually I find most atheists fall in the keep your mouth shut and live and let live camp. It's those rare Dawkins 2-3% that simply get the press. When one is quiet the press doesn't have anything too exciting to sell so simply ignores ya.

Being an atheist and raising kids to be rational about the world they certainly don't come by religion as natural course of events. At 5 there's been 0 questions about God and lots of questions on how the world works. One of the latest was if we eat chicken necks why don't we eat people necks.
While I am more than happy to leave people alone with whatever belief they wish to enjoy in private, I only get PISSED off when someone in politics wants to make a law that is based entirely on their belief in an imaginary friend. That is where I draw the line. and, I am totally within my rights as a Citizen to get as loud and obnoxious as I need to to protect my Constitutional rights.

Dawkins is really just more annoyed with stupidity than others. Since I suck at diplomacy I sort of understand that. I've seen him on TV shows where he is frankly quite calm and pleasant so I really don't agree with characterizing him as 'Evangelical'.
he just is rightly insistent on understanding the truth rather than putting up with fairy tales just to be "nice"
so, we all agree........ Piers is an asshole :D
Oh, I'm pretty sure we all agreed on that long before that video was made. ;-)
maybe that's the reason he left the UK and in now living and working in the US. I have never watched his interview show but if this is an example it's no wonder he escaped. I guess he didn't realize that people from both sides of the Atlantic kinda talk to each other

Fantastic video... Great to put a non-iconic face and voice to a name as well. Keep it up.


You'll notice that in most of your Bible study groups, they don't ever say, just read the Bible from beginning to end. I think they know that that's a trap, that's a dangerous thing. If you just sit down without a guide and just read it from "In the beginning" to the way of Jesus at the end - when you go into the psychedelic revelation, mind-blowing stuff of one-eyed octopi running around the planet with Brad Pitt - I think at the end, you're going to see a level of cruelty and unpleasantness that if you are a humanitarian, the belief drifts away.