Elon Musk watch (was Elon Muskrat watch)

You know I'm mixed on Musk, but between him or Brazil on this subject I'm fully team Musk. Brazil is one of the most thoroughly corrupt western countries in the world. BTW, there's the very first NFL game being played in Brazil tonight.

Eagles star says he told family not to come to Brazil amid safety concerns: 'The crime rate is crazy'

"Week 1, I’ve been looking forward to it. I can’t wait. But, man, I do not want to go to Brazil," he began. "And you wanna know why? I’m here to tell you why. They already told us not to leave the hotel. They told us we can’t do too much going on because the crime rate is crazy."

(FYI, this is a player on a team in the deep blue sh*thole Philadelphia saying this, to put things in perspective!)

Wisconsin Republican urges NFL to rethink Brazil game due to ‘escalating violence’ in Sao Paulo

“In light of the current political and social climate in Brazil, I urge the National Football League (NFL) and Green Bay Packers to reconsider the upcoming game scheduled to be held in Brazil on Friday. The alarming reports of widespread unrest, escalating violence, and profound censorship against U.S. companies operating within Brazil paint a troubling picture of the conditions there,” Macco said.

Macco’s censorship comments may be alluding to recent news that Brazil banned X due to its owner’s, Elon Musk, refusal to ban certain accounts. The State Department lists Brazil as a “Level 2” travel advisory, telling Americans to exercise caution due to crime.

“Hosting a game in such an environment not only risks the safety and well-being of players, staff, and fans but also risks sending messages contrary to the values the NFL and the Packers stand for,” Macco wrote in a statement. “It would be in the NFL’s best interest to move the game back to the United States where safety can be ensured for all in attendance and take a stand for the freedom of speech.”
elmo is hilarious. his idea of "free speech" is him being allowed to spread all the lies and BS he can come up with.
And your idea of free speech is shutting up people you disagree with?
And your idea of free speech is shutting up people you disagree with?
That seems to be Musk's approach.
For example, if you call someone a "c*nt" he seems to disagree with that and will probably "shut you up". If you call someone a "n*gger" he seems to agree with that and will even pay you money for engagement.
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You were talking about Brazil.
In the comment you quoted I was replying to Fluffy's comment about free speech.
I was, however, talking about Brazil in an earlier post. Do try to keep up. :p
And your idea of free speech is shutting up people you disagree with?
please show me where I have EVER said or implied that ridiculous notion.

elmo doesn't understand that "Free Speech" means you can't be prevented from criticizing the government. (I'm referring to the US Constitution here)
In the real world if you say something stupid, other citizens have the right to point it out. No one is preventing others from being idiots
I never watched a second of the debate as it started at 2am here but if this simpering Trump fanboi is saying Harris "exceeded expectations", that tells me it went a lot different from the one against old Joe.
Harris worked as a prosecutor for years. She brilliantly pushed donnie's buttons and he went nuts. That clip about the pets getting eaten was his reaction from Harris pointing out that his rallies now have fewer people attending and people are walking out because they are bored. He blew his top (because he's obsessed with his "crowd size".) Unbidden he went off and babbled like the tantruming toddler that he is.

I watched the entire debate. I wasn't expecting to see the whole thing because I often get bored after a while since many of these things go nowhere. And all the ones with dopey donnie are just him raving like a lunatic and lying. This time the debate went as follows: Harris would answer the questions put to her and THEN drop a comment that sent donnie into a tizzy. It was masterful! He would then go nuts on one of his favorite "I'm a victim" topics. The entire evening made him look unhinged, angry and out of touch.

Elmo interprets that as Harris "exceeding" (his) expectations. What he is revealing is that he's a sexist pig who finds it difficult to believe a women can be effective and WAY the hell smarter than some old white rich a$$hole who has had every opportunity and still is an abject failure at life.
Harris worked as a prosecutor for years. She brilliantly pushed donnie's buttons and he went nuts. That clip about the pets getting eaten was his reaction from Harris pointing out that his rallies now have fewer people attending and people are walking out because they are bored. He blew his top (because he's obsessed with his "crowd size".) Unbidden he went off and babbled like the tantruming toddler that he is.

I watched the entire debate. I wasn't expecting to see the whole thing because I often get bored after a while since many of these things go nowhere. And all the ones with dopey donnie are just him raving like a lunatic and lying. This time the debate went as follows: Harris would answer the questions put to her and THEN drop a comment that sent donnie into a tizzy. It was masterful! He would then go nuts on one of his favorite "I'm a victim" topics. The entire evening made him look unhinged, angry and out of touch.

Elmo interprets that as Harris "exceeding" (his) expectations. What he is revealing is that he's a sexist pig who finds it difficult to believe a women can be effective and WAY the hell smarter than some old white rich a$$hole who has had every opportunity and still is an abject failure at life.
I see he's taking the subsequent Taylor Swift endorsement of Harris well:
Sleezy old rich guy makes unsolicited sleazy proposition to impregnate woman and his massive army of simpering fans cheer him on. It's like they're all 14 years old, including him and Trump.
I see he's taking the subsequent Taylor Swift endorsement of Harris well:

She endorsed the Dem candidate exactly as I predicted on numerous occasions here. That's why she was shown in the NFL season week 1 hype video 6 times, while the future hall of famer, former and current Super Bowl winning QB was shown just once.

I'd expect nothing less from the woman who was strongly apolitical until George Soros literally bought her music catalog, at which time she became a flag waving promoter of the Democrat Party candidates. It's a psyop for the weak minded out there.
She endorsed the Dem candidate exactly as I predicted on numerous occasions here. That's why she was shown in the NFL season week 1 hype video 6 times, while the future hall of famer, former and current Super Bowl winning QB was shown just once.

I'd expect nothing less from the woman who was strongly apolitical until George Soros literally bought her music catalog, at which time she became a flag waving promoter of the Democrat Party candidates. It's a psyop for the weak minded out there.
Entertainers either know who is buttering their bread or they fall off the charts.

But as revealed in "Character Limit," a new book about the billionaire's calamitous takeover of Twitter, New York Times reporters Ryan Mac and Kate Conger lay out how the social media site's employees quickly had to learn that, because Musk "loved to be admired," all of them had to be ready to laugh at his jokes — or else risk the fate of so many of their former coworkers who found themselves out of a job after Musk's ascension.

I've seen elmo's "jokes" and he is NOT funny.
While Brandon's caretakers and everyday D3ms are cel3brating human m1sery...

May be an image of 1 person and text
