nCoV2019 Pandimec!

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BREAKING: 70 new cases of coronavirus found on quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan, raising total to 355

only 1,219 out of 3,700 Diamond Princess passengers have been tested for coronavirus so far
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The Chinese hospital built in 10 days ...
Quality is job #2056

Any building of that scale, completed in such a short time period, is likely to have quality issues.
Any building of that scale, completed in such a short time period, is likely to have quality issues.

But the American Liberal Media was praising the Chinese Communist government and bashing capitalism, supposedly because how superior Communists are, supposedly able to make a perfect hospital in 10 days.
Any building of that scale, completed in such a short time period, is likely to have quality issues.

concrete is only 90% of compressive strength after 30 days. You pour the foundation, then wait 30 days to start building structure


Wuhan's new blazingly fast built hospital
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the virus is either air borne transmitted through air condition systems, or has an erratically long incubation period, or unknown unknown transmission

take your pick, all bad

It does appear that there might be an erratically long incubation happening. But also, there are some other options. The ship's crew could be infected. The people in isolation still had some contact, through food, supplies, maintenance staff, etc. And people in isolation were being let out of some quarters for a time. A cruise ship just isn't set up to properly isolate people.
It does appear that there might be an erratically long incubation happening. But also, there are some other options. The ship's crew could be infected. The people in isolation still had some contact, through food, supplies, maintenance staff, etc. And people in isolation were being let out of some quarters for a time. A cruise ship just isn't set up to properly isolate people.

The crew were the first tested. A cruise ship has problems with isolation, but so did all the alternatives for quarantine, military bases, hotels, or voluntary quarantine, ...

Considering the options and what was known about the virus at the time of quarantine, the cruise ship was a reasonable choice. The quarantine has shown that we don't know enough about the virus to contain it yet. The cruise ship has the best statistical database for the how the virus spreads

conclusion >>> pandemic inevitable

The CCP has hid many of the details of the outbreak until they could not be hid anymore. The CCP numbers are pure BS, that is why I quit reporting them. The Diamond Princess quarantine have produced quantifiable numbers that can be extrapolated.

Today the CCP reported less daily infections for all of China excluding Wuhan province then were reported on the Diamond Princess ???

Should You Add A UV Germicidal Lamp To Your Air Conditioner?
2 'Diamond Princess' Passengers Die Of Coronavirus, an 87-year-old man and 84-year-old woman, both with other health problems

UPDATE: 620 passengers who tested negative and have shown no symptoms disembarked on Wednesday, Japanese officials announced 79 new cases of coronavirus found on quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan, raising total to 621 of ??? people tested. 29 now in serious condition

UPDATE: Japanese officials announced Thursday 13 new cases of coronavirus found among those remaining on the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan, raising total to 634 of ??? people tested. 328 of the 634 were asymptomatic.

Remaining passengers can disembark only if they have had a negative coronavirus test, no symptoms, & no contact with a confirmed case for 14 days.

Diamond Princess: The total does not include 3 employees of Japan’s Health Ministry and 1 staff member of Japan’s Cabinet Secretariat, all of whom were infected while working on the ship. It does also not include 2 people who were released from quarantine but tested positive upon their return to Australia.
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90 church goers who were at the same service as patient #31 have said that they feel symptoms, but have not been tested yet.

396 congregation members of Shinchungee (church patient #31 attended) have not been located or contacted yet.

The church attended by patient #31 apparently have attendees sit down on the floor. This practice might in part explain why more than 41 were infected
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