nCoV2019 Pandimec!

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Taiwan scrambles to fend off virus

Taiwan to become one of the world’s largest manufacturers of surgical masks, as it adds 60 more mask-production lines, to boost capacity to at least 10 million sets per day, enough for almost half of its population, so that the stringent mask-rationing order currently in place could be relaxed.
1st unknown unknown is now known

Molecular and serological investigation of 2019-nCoV infected patients: implication of multiple shedding routes

In December 2019, a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) caused an outbreak in Wuhan, China, and soon spread to other parts of the world. It was believed that 2019-nCoV was transmitted through respiratory tract and then induced pneumonia, thus molecular diagnosis based on oral swabs was used for confirmation of this disease. Likewise, patient will be released upon two times of negative detection from oral swabs. However, many coronaviruses can also be transmitted through oral–fecal route by infecting intestines. Whether 2019-nCoV infected patients also carry virus in other organs like intestine need to be tested. We conducted investigation on patients in a local hospital who were infected with this virus. We found the presence of 2019-nCoV in anal swabs and blood as well, and more anal swab positives than oral swab positives in a later stage of infection, suggesting shedding and thereby transmitted through oral–fecal route. We also showed serology test can improve detection positive rate thus should be used in future epidemiology. Our report provides a cautionary warning that 2019-nCoV may be shed through multiple routes.

The 2019-nCoV infected patients can potentially shed this pathogen through respiratory, fecal–oral or body fluid routes. None of the patients with viremia blood had positive oral or anal swabs. These patients would likely be considered as 2019-nCoV negative through routine surveillance, and thus pose a threat to other people. In contrast, we found viral antibodies in near all patients, indicating serology should be considered for 2019-nCoV epidemiology. A possible shift from oral positive during early infection to anal swab positive during late infection can be observed. This observation implied that we cannot discharge a patient purely based on oral swabs negative, who may still shed the virus by oral–fecal route.

How Diseases Spread Through the Fecal-Oral Route
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2nd unknown unknown is now known

SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in Upper Respiratory Specimens of Infected Patients

"Unlike SARS, which causes infections deep in the lower respiratory tract that can result in pneumonia, COVID-19 appears to inhabit both the upper and lower respiratory tracts. That would make it not only capable of causing severe pneumonia, but of spreading easily like the flu"


This 2019-nCoV just keeps getting better and better.
Almost as if it was carefully engineered to be exceptionally infectiousness.
Feb 21st: South Korea reports 142 new cases of coronavirus, raising country's total to 346
This includes: 92 new cases linked to hospital, 38 new cases linked to church, 12 new cases unknown link

The number of people in South Korea being tested for coronavirus has risen to 5,481, up from 3,180 last night. (This does not mean they have the virus; many are being tested as a precaution)

Feb 19th: South Korean church cluster linked to patient #31

patient #31 - a 61-year-old Korean woman who developed sore throat on Feb 8 and was diagnosed on Tuesday. It is not clear how she could have contracted the virus as she did not travel overseas recently and had no contact with the confirmed cases before her. The woman, a native of the south-eastern city Daegu, is known to have come into contact with 166 people, all of whom have been quarantined. They include her husband and two children. The Korea Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said the woman was warded for 10 days from Feb 7 at Saeronan Oriental Hospital in Daegu. She was hospitalized after a car accident on Feb 6.

Patient #33, a 40-year-old woman, came into contact with Patient #31 at Patient #33’s workplace - Saeronan Oriental Hospital.
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Iran's health ministry says 'it is possible' coronavirus exists in all Iranian cities; there are currently 18 confirmed cases, 4 dead

Good luck with containment now Iran

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U.S. CDC: 18 Americans who were evacuated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship have now tested positive for coronavirus, another 10 tested positive in Japan

Australia: 6 more coronavirus cases have been confirmed from among the Australian residents evacuated to the Northern Territory from the Diamond Princess.
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Anyone who didn't vote pandemic is wrong

Zombie Apocalypse still a possibility though
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Coronavirus Outbreak Forces Cancelation Of TESTAMENT, EXODUS And DEATH ANGEL Concert In Italy

The February 25 concert in Milan, Italy featuring TESTAMENT, EXODUS and DEATH ANGEL has been canceled due to a fast-spreading outbreak of the new coronavirus.

The three bands, who are currently on the road in Europe as part of "The Bay Strikes Back 2020" tour, will perform in Zurich, Switzerland on Monday (February 24) and Barcelona, Spain on Thursday, February 27.

Several cities and towns across northern Italy were in lockdown Monday as authorities battled to contain the virus.

More than 200 cases of the virus have been confirmed in Italy, where the death toll rose to five. People have been banned from leaving infected areas, and police have been ordered to fine anyone caught entering or leaving certain towns.

The bulk of the cases are in the northern region of Lombardy, whose capital is Milan.

Officials have not yet tracked down the first carrier of the virus in the country. "We still cannot identify patient zero, so it's difficult to forecast possible new cases," Angelo Borrelli, head of the country's Civil Protection agency, said at a press conference.

There are now 79,339 cases of the virus, named COVID-19, in 30 countries and 2,619 deaths, according to the latest figures from the World Health Organization.



Anyone who didn't vote pandemic is wrong

Zombie Apocalypse still a possibility though

[BREAKING NEWS Feb 24th] WHO will not be declaring the coronavirus a pandemic because they no longer use the "pandemic" category and therefor has no process to declare a pandemic, old system with 6 phases is obsolete

Can't declare a pandemic if the category no longer exists!
[UPDATE 24th] Another 18 Americans who were passengers on the Diamond Princess cruise ship test positive for coronavirus after being evacuated to the U.S.; they are all in quarantine

Coronavirus’s Genetics will reveal Its global travels

TS: What can the data tell you about the virus’s origins?
RN: The first takeaway is that all these sequences are very, very similar, about eight mutations different than the root. That’s eight mutations in a 30,000-base sequence. What this tells us is that the virus came from one source, not too long ago, somewhere between mid-November and early December.

Why are we letting FDA regulations limit our number of coronavirus tests?

Since CDC and FDA haven’t authorized public health or hospital labs to run the [coronavirus] tests, right now #CDC is the only place that can. So, screening has to be rationed. Our ability to detect secondary spread among people not directly tied to China travel is greatly limited.

#FDA and #CDC can allow more labs to run the RT-PCR tests starting with public health agencies. Big medical centers can also be authorized to run tests under EUA. For now they’re not permitted to run the tests, even though many labs can do so reliably 9/9