nCoV2019 Pandimec!

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  • No worse than a typical flu season

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China Accuses U.S. of Botching Coronavirus Response, Claims Virus Came from America

An even more insidious line of Chinese Communist propaganda advanced from claiming the virus originated outside China to suggesting it came from America.


And "absolutely" did not have anything to due with selling ex- BioLab test animals to the wet market in Wuhan

:rolleyes: :wrong:

Wuhan nCov-19 is China's Chernobyl
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First world problem alert:
I'm supposed to be off to Germany in a fortnight* to watch a football match. Hope it doesn't get to the stage of cancelling major sporting events across Germany or I'll be a wee bit out of pocket.

*Trying to get as much EU travel in as I can before I need a visa. ;)
Just been confirmed the match will be played with no supporters.
Do I still fly to Germany? Not sure right now.
Despite the cash for the flights, hotel, insurance and match ticket (at least I should get a refund on the last one), I'm more upset because it's probably the last chance I'll have to watch my team in a European tie of any significance for the next 20 years due to impending career commitments.
Selfish, I know, but I'm gutted.

Still, can't blame them for trying to take precautions.
Health is more important than fitbaw, if only a wee bit.
I don't know if you can view this or not, won't embed. It was a live "Watch Party" from China. Extremely disturbing. Dozens or hundreds riot clad police beating people at a train station and spraying them with unknown chemicals.
Sad to see even in my group of friends, people just laughing this off, comparing it to the flu.

Italy confirms almost 200 deaths in 24 hours

From Tuesday to Wednesday, 196 people died, bringing the total number of deaths to 897, the Civil Protection Agency said in a statement. Confirmed cases across the country rose to 12,462 from a previous 10,149.
Sad to see even in my group of friends, people just laughing this off, comparing it to the flu.

I think most people are still in the "it's a thing on the telly that happens to other people" phase.
I've been guilty of it myself, to a certain extent.
Once people start hearing of friends of friends getting ill, those attitudes are likely to change.
Things are going to get fugly. The tone of everyone around me, and in public, is changing. Panic is starting to set in. Those previously laughing this off are starting to panic. They will be the most violent ones in the worst times to come.

Stock market news live: S&P 500 enters bear market, Dow plunges 10% in biggest one-day percentage drop since 1987

U.S. stocks tumbled more than 9% as Wall Street extended its historically ugly sell-off, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq joining the Dow in entering a bear market.

By Thursday’s close, the S&P 500 dropped 9.5%, or 260.62 points, in its largest percentage decline since the Black Monday crash of October 19, 1987. The blue-chip index slid more than 20% in total from its recent closing high from mid-February, sending it into a bear market.

The Dow’s 9.99% decline Thursday was also the biggest since 1987, and constituted a drop of 2,352.6 points.
If you haven't seen these yet, make sure you watch them. A very serious and clinical explanation of this virus and what is going to happen going forward.
