Suddenly vaccine skepticism has gone mainstream.


It was Biden, after all, who claimed “I will end this” during a campaign debate. After we all saw Biden could not, in fact, end it, he proclaimed in July the vaccine would do the trick. Yeah, guess not.

“The NFL is 95% vaccinated, the NBA is 97% vaccinated, the NHL is nearly 100% vaccinated. All three leagues are still overwhelmed with covid cases & hitting new covid case highs,” Clay pointed out. “So how is JoeBiden arguing vaccines will end covid? The pro sports leagues prove that’s 100% a lie.

“The sports leagues all have levels of covid vaccination that are nearly 100%. The players are far younger & healthier than the overall population. Yet they are all overrun with covid. The pro sports leagues data definitively prove that vaccines won’t end covid. Biden’s lying.”

Of course, the mainstream media has turned a blind eye. Suddenly, reporters have just gone back to being reporters, as opposed to the whiny activists during the previous administration. They too have touted the vaccine as a cure-all. Now, they too all lie and deny they ever claimed the vaccine would slow the spread.

“If the media was doing its job they’d point to pro sports leagues and ask Biden and Fauci to explain what’s going on there,” Clay wrote. “Those leagues did exactly what you asked and got everyone vaccinated. Yet all three leagues are presently hitting all time highs for covid cases.

“Not asking these questions is the very definition of being anti-science. We have a massive control group of almost 100% vaxxed healthy young athletes being tested regularly & they have way more covid cases this year after vaccines than they had last year with no vaccines. How?
Meanwhile in Soviet California...

Californians Are Ignoring Gavin Newsom’s Statewide Mask Mandate

In Los Angeles County, for example, gyms and restaurants are continuing as before. Podcaster and model Jessica Vaugn tweeted her observations from a party in Hollywood on Thursday night, where patrons were ignoring the new mandate:

The Sacramento Bee reported that no one can figure out who is responsible for enforcing the mask mandate, and that Newsom says he has “faith” in Californians to enforce his mandate themselves, saying that they would “self-enforce”:

When asked about the lack of enforcement mechanism for the mandate, which went into effect Wednesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom said he “has faith” in Californians to follow it, but didn’t provide specifics on what would happen if they didn’t.
“I have more faith than you do in the capacity of people to do the right thing. That’s the response,” Newsom told a reporter during a press conference in Los Angeles on Wednesday.
“I think people are more capable once they’re given the ‘why’ and the ‘what’ to apply themselves…and I think a lot of people will self-enforce and do the right thing.”
Local government officials say the state hasn’t given any guidance on enforcement, and some local authorities say they won’t enforce the state’s order at all.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has previously said he would not enforce vaccine mandates in his county.

Sens. Warren and Booker test positive for Covid-19

(CNN) Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker tested positive for the coronavirus, according to tweets Sunday from their official accounts.

The Massachusetts Democrat, who is vaccinated and boosted, said she is experiencing mild symptoms. The New Jersey Democrat, who is also vaccinated and boosted, also reported mild symptoms.

Warren was on the Senate floor last week before the chamber went on recess.

48 Test Positive for COVID-19 on Royal Caribbean Ship Returned to Miami

The 48 cases were identified after a guest tested positive and immediate contact tracing was done.

Royal Caribbean said in a statement that all crew members are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and tested weekly.

To sail aboard Symphony of the Seas, travelers over age 12 must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and test negative before boarding.

Children not yet vaccinated must provide a negative PCR test prior to sailing and also test negative at the terminal prior to boarding.

Of the 48 positive cases, 98% were fully vaccinated. The individuals were identified as a result of immediate contact tracing after a guest tested positive.
A complete reversal by the woke NBA.


In an interview with ESPN’s Malika Andrews, Adam Silver has finally admitted COVID isn’t going away despite the NBA’s 97 percent vaccination rate. A conclusion most small business owners shouted since last year, but it’s better late than never, we suppose.

Guess all it took was another outbreak to prove the vaccine didn’t work and that lockdowns are nothing more than government power grabs that lead to fat checks for big pharma.

Doesn’t take a wizard to figure this out, and the only reason we’re hearing this now is because the vaccine’s failure is impacting NBA business. Had the NBA been able to suppress these facts we all understood many months ago, they’d likely be stitching hashtag “vax up” patches on their jerseys. They never really cared about public health despite the stomping of their feet, and now it shows because their asses are in the pot with the rest of us.

Malika Andrews would eventually ask if the NBA was considering a shutdown and Adam Silver’s response was perfect:

“There are no plans to stop the NBA season,” he said.

NBA is 97% vaccinated, yet is dealing with roaring infection rates. The coof jabs do absolutely nothing to stop spreading. They may or may not help reduce severity of infection, but it does NOTHING to stop the spread. That's becoming painfully obvious.

People trying to blame unvacc'ed people are starting to look awful silly. It's vacc'ed people spreading the coof.

SpaceX headquarters reports 132 COVID-19 cases

SpaceX has reported 132 recent positive COVID-19 tests at its rocket factory near Los Angeles, according to a report published on Monday (Dec. 20) by the LA County Department of Public Health (LACDPH). That's more than one-quarter of the total number of recent reported workplace COVID positives in the county, which stands at 496.

Data shows asymptomatic individuals not spreading COVID-19, NFL chief medical officer says

The NFL's new COVID-19 protocols are based on data that shows the disease is not spreading from asymptomatic individuals, according to chief medical officer Allen Sills, a significant departure from the stance of public health authorities for much of the pandemic.

The NFL and NFL Players Association agreed last week to halt weekly testing on vaccinated players and begin random testing of a sample across teams and positions. Vaccinated players who report symptoms are required to be tested, and unvaccinated players continue to be tested daily.

The new protocols raised questions about the possibility that infections among asymptomatic, vaccinated players and coaches would go undetected, leading to additional transmission in team facilities. But speaking Thursday on the NFL Network, Sills said he has observed no evidence of it this season through the league's contact tracing system.

"We've really not seen this phenomenon that people have discussed, which is asymptomatic people in the facility spreading the virus to others," Sills said. "As we've gone back and looked throughout the entire season, what we've seen consistently is that when people have symptoms, that's when they seem to be contagious to others. And that's why we're asking people to come forward and acknowledge symptoms because that's the point at which they're vulnerable and the point at which they expose themselves to others.

"Our data has been consistent of that throughout the season, and I think it's particularly true of this new variant, with omicron, of what we're seeing. It's all about symptom recognition and prompt testing."

LeBron Sparks Controversy After Posting Meme Comparing Covid, Common Cold, and Flu

The NBA superstar and outspoken social justice advocate posted a meme on Instagram which compared the coronavirus to the common old and the flu.


That last tweet is revisionist history. orangemanbad has always pushed the vaccine. The fact the vaccine were given emergency approval for usage was due to his pressure in the FDA, good or bad.
Think this might be beyond round 2 but entertaining nonetheless: