Suddenly vaccine skepticism has gone mainstream.

They're not particularly reliable but neither are they "pure garbage".
Anyway, my PCR has confirmed what LFT suggested.
Spare room tonight for me and off school tomorrow, bottle of wine winking at me, could be worse ....
Which one did you get? Does the test discriminate variants?
Which one did you get? Does the test discriminate variants?
Don't have the details to hand but neither LF or PCR result is anything more than yes or no to the punter here. Whether the PCR can be further analysed for the variant I don't know. LF tests are done at home then binned so it's a no for them.
They're not particularly reliable but neither are they "pure garbage".

Considering I'm fully j@bbed and have no symptoms, it's would be "pure garbage" that I am potentially looking at 10 days away from my job. My company is treating me the same any anyone unj@bbed. I'm not likely to lose pay, but the majority of people out there sent home for 10 days will be unpaid. My job I can telecommute and still be somewhat productive. I'm never really off the clock anyhow. Most people are service industry where no warm body, no pay. For someone living paycheck to paycheck it could be devastating.

Either way, I hope you continue to have no symptoms. It seems Russian Roulette who gets hammered by it and who gets nothing.
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Nearly two-thirds of Antarctica station researchers get COVID despite being fully vaccinated, passing multiple tests, quarantining, and living miles from civilization

The spread of COVID-19 was surprising for many since all of the researchers were fully vaccinated. The scientists also had to take several PCR tests and quarantine before traveling to the polar station.

"The researchers who are at the station currently had to undergo a PCR test in Belgium two hours before leaving for South Africa and then another PCR test five days after arriving in Cape Town, as well as ten days of quarantine," the Jerusalem Post reported.

Rhode Island allows COVID-positive health care staff to work after firing unvaccinated workers

Health care workers in Rhode Island who refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and did not comply with vaccine mandates were unceremoniously fired last year.

Now, Rhode Island is permitting those who have tested positive for COVID to continue working amid a shortage of health care workers.

What happened last year?

Hundreds of health care workers in the Ocean State were fired last year after refusing to comply with Democratic Gov. Dan McKee's COVID-19 vaccine mandate, WJAR-TV reported.

That meant hospitals, nursing homes, and home health care agencies lost critical staff members. State Sen. Jessica de la Cruz (R), in fact, has been sounding the alarm, saying the expulsion of highly skilled and trained health care workers from their jobs simply for not complying with a vaccine mandate has resulted in a "health care crisis."

What is going on now?

Administrators at the state-operated Eleanor Slater Hospital told employees in a memo last Friday they may continue to work if they have tested positive for COVID-19, so long as they are asymptomatic and wear an N95 face covering, the Providence Journal reported.

Don't have the details to hand but neither LF or PCR result is anything more than yes or no to the punter here. Whether the PCR can be further analysed for the variant I don't know. LF tests are done at home then binned so it's a no for them.
I think in the UK they are regularly checking for "S-gene dropout". There is a gene that omicron lacks and the UK routinely uses a test that can spot that. I don't know if they communicate that back to the patient but they record it. I have no idea if it's different in Scotland.
I think in the UK they are regularly checking for "S-gene dropout". There is a gene that omicron lacks and the UK routinely uses a test that can spot that.
I'm not sure how that differs (if at all) from what they were doing this time last year in Scotland, where s-gene dropout was also used as a proxy for detecting what was then another new variant, "alpha". I haven't looked into it much, although I might have a wee bit more time for that kind of thing over the next week or so. :oops:
I don't know if they communicate that back to the patient...
They don't, as far as I know. None of my communication from the NHS has anything about which variant.
Considering I'm fully j@bbed and have no symptoms, it's would be "pure garbage" that I am potentially looking at 10 days away from my job.
Likewise - I'm having to try to work from home for the next 10 days too which is going to be horrendous - but none of that means the tests are garbage. You're conflating the tests themselves with the standard response to test results - two separate things. You could question if still requiring a 10 day lay-off response is "pure garbage" at this stage but that's a separate debate.
My company is treating me the same any anyone unj@bbed.
Likewise, although I work for the local council currently, rather than a private firm.
Most people are service industry where no warm body, no pay. For someone living paycheck to paycheck it could be devastating.
Indeed. Our local hospitality industry has taken an absolute hammering over the last 2 years. Lots of jobs and entire businesses likely gone forever. City centre now a sea of empty shop-fronts. I've been incredibly lucky so far but know lots of people who have been financially impacted.
Either way, I hope you continue to have no symptoms. It seems Russian Roulette who gets hammered by it and who gets nothing.
Hopefully, thanks, and wishing the same to you. On the up side, all of the people I know who had severe or fatal Covid caught it before the vaccines were rolled out. Everyone I know who has caught it since has had noting worse than mild symptoms so here's hoping we don't buck that trend.

I have woken up with mild cold symptoms this morning but might not even be related as I get them often.

Scottish government just announced 10 days can be reduced to 7 if asymptomatic and two -ve LFTs on day 6 & 7. So I should be able to get back to work on Monday or Tuesday (haven't quite figured out which yet).
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Just because this is the active coof thread, not for skepticism. Worth a watch IMO. I don't hear anything controversial in what he says, but apparently some apparently will see or hear the word "Florida" and just lose their sh*t without actually listening.

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Don't know but taking anything from a notorious bullshitter like Hogan seriously is always a risk. Even if it's true it'll probably be missed because he's the boy who cried wolf.

Oh, I know. It's not clear why he lies so much. I doubt it's trying to keep up kayfabe when some of the lies are so laughable. Him being asked to join Metallica is probably the worst as it is several steps before even the smell test.
as usual, many Americans (US) think they are the center of the universe.
Fortunately, there are people who focus on the Big Picture and are working on getting the rest of the world vaccinated


Premier of Western Australia Has Woman Translate From English To... English
