Suddenly vaccine skepticism has gone mainstream.

I saw him play some of those songs live. It was an incredible gig.
I'm not sure I made myself clear earlier. I think Neil Young is an absolute colossus when it comes to music and song writing. I absolutely adore him and tears of joy were shed at the last gig, it was so good.
However, like almost all of my musical heroes, there have been times when I thought he was a bit of an arsehole.
I saw Neil in Vancouver at some event in a park with Sarah McLachlan - Niel's like somebody's strange, shabby uncle who shambles into the party unnoticed, finds that there's a guitar in the living room, picks it up and starts playing it - then everyone and everything else just stops!
I saw Neil in Vancouver at some event in a park ...
Funnily enough, I had a ticket to see him at a festival in a park in Canada, albeit a couple of thousand miles away in Ontario. Unfortunately, the day before it his guitarist broke his hand so he cancelled. I still went along anyway and caught Emmylou Harris, among others. Good night but wasn't the same without the Young man.

COVID-19 complications force vaccinated St. Pete woman to have double amputation​


Majority of Women Remain Childless at Thirty for First Time Ever in Britain

A majority of women have remained childless in Britain past their thirtieth birthday for the first time in recorded history, according to the country’s official statistician.

A report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published on Thursday found that 50.1 per cent of women born in 1990 — the latest age bracket to reach 30 years old — have not had a child, a record high.

The ONS also found that the average number of children birthed by women by the 30th birthday also fell to a record low, with an average of just 0.96 children per woman recorded. In contrast, women who were born in 1941 averaged 1.89 children by the time they reached thirty years of age.

The percentage of women reaching the milestone without having a child has consistently risen since the late 1970s in Britain when approximately 20 per cent were without children. By the year 1990, the figure rose to 37 per cent.


A new Monmouth Poll shows that Americans just want to move on from constantly hearing about, talking about and fearing about COVID-19.

Basically, the pandemic is no longer a pandemic, the respondents seem to say. It’s just something we will have to deal with, perhaps forever.

Per the Monmouth Poll, 70 percent of Americans feel as “it’s time we accept that COVID is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives.” Broken down by political affiliation, the poll revealed that 89 percent of Republicans agree, as do 71 percent of independents and even 47 percent of Democrats.

Measles warning for young children as MMR jab rate drops in England

More than one in 10 school entry-age children in England are at risk of measles because they have not had their vaccine shots, data reveals.
Coverage for the two doses of MMR that helps protect five-year-olds against measles, mumps and rubella is currently at 85.5%.
That is the lowest for a decade, and well below the 95% target recommended to stop a resurgence of measles.
Measles is highly contagious, more than Covid, and can cause serious illness.
Nine in every 10 people can catch it if they are unjabbed and exposed.
As well as a distinctive rash, measles can lead to severe complications, such as pneumonia and brain inflammation, and sometimes can be fatal.
Vaccination can remove almost all of these risks.
Two doses of the MMR vaccine give 99% protection against measles and rubella and about 88% protection against mumps.
When a high percentage of the population is protected through vaccination, it becomes harder for the disease to pass between people.
But since the start of the Covid pandemic, there has been a concerning drop in the number of children receiving these vaccines on time.
“We have an extremely high coverage of adults vaccinated with three doses,” epidemiologist Lone Simonsen of the University of Roskilde told AFP.

More than 60% of Danes have received a third dose - one month ahead of health authorities’ schedule - compared to an EU average of just under 45%.

Including those who have recently had Covid, health authorities estimate that 80% of the population are protected against severe forms of the disease.
Let's hope this holds and we can all get back to relative normal soon.
The Qaon / anti-vax crossover is still going strong. A Q obsessed acquaintance of mine posted this "booster gives you AIDS" meme yesterday:

That such nonsense was already debunked months ago has absolutely zero impact. These moon howlers are allergic to facts.

Phillies’ Didi Gregorius blames COVID-19 vaccine for elbow issues; experts say he’s wrong

“I had all types of reactions when I took the first and second shot. I know nobody knows because nobody talks about it,” Gregorius said. “... I had a really bad reaction. And then with the elbow, after the shot, I was nine days removed. But nobody knows because nobody talks about it. They just say, ‘Didi is having a bad year,’ but they don’t explain why I’m having a bad year and what I’m dealing with.”

The Phillies first thought Gregorius’ swollen elbow was from being hit by a pitch or from diving for a ball and believed the bruising lingered for weeks because his kidney ailment frequently slows his body’s ability to flush inflammation. Gregorius missed three games in April, tried to play through the discomfort, and landed on the injured list on May 14 with a “right elbow impingement.”

“I couldn’t bend my elbow for at least two months,” Gregorius said. “They didn’t want to do anything about it in the beginning. They told me it was just inflammation, but it wasn’t just inflammation. I was mad that I missed like 50 games. It’s not a fair thing. I’m here to play. I’m not here to sit around and not do anything. It’s been frustrating basically the whole year with what’s going on. I didn’t get an answer until June. I got the answer.”

The Phillies diagnosed Gregorius three weeks later with pseudogout, “a pretty rare condition, but it’s one that is not particularly concerning,” general manager Sam Fuld said in June.

“They didn’t tell me what it is exactly. All they said was pseudogout. I didn’t know what the hell gout was. I didn’t know what the hell pseudogout was until I got it,” Gregorius said. “After waiting so many days for an answer, I finally got it. I don’t know for sure if it’s something that I’ll deal with for the rest of my life or not. Apparently, you get gout from drinking. I don’t drink. I don’t eat red meat. So how did I get it? I don’t drink alcohol. They tried to blame me and said it’s because you’re drinking. Everybody who knows me knows I don’t drink. That’s why it didn’t make sense. Those 50 days I was out, I was really [ticked] off because people told me I was doing something that I didn’t do.”

A friend of mine shared this, saying he/she had the exact same reaction, and no doctor will listen to her/him.
Let's hope this holds and we can all get back to relative normal soon.

‘Time to Open Up’ Sweden Scraps Vax Passes, Becoming the Latest European Nation to Abandon Lockdown

Sweden’s Prime Minister has announced that the Nordic nation will be scrapping the internal use of vaccine passes, becoming the latest European nation to escape lockdown.

Sweden is to become the latest European state to escape lockdown, after the Nordic nation’s Prime Minister announced that vaccine passes, along with a host of other restrictions, will be dumped next week.