Suddenly vaccine skepticism has gone mainstream.

Quebec Drops Coronavirus Mandates After Rejecting Trudeau’s Emergency Decree

Quebec stepped up its “deconfinement plan” this week and began lifting coronavirus restrictions, while Premier Francois Legault rejected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s effort to crush the Freedom Convoy protest movement by invoking emergency powers.

“I think that I was very clear with the prime minister that the federal Emergencies Act should not, must not apply in Quebec,” Legault said on Monday. “We don’t have any problems in Quebec so far. The Sureté du Québec has everything under control.”

There were Freedom Convoy demonstrations in Montreal and Quebec City over the past two weeks, but they were relatively restrained and mostly held over weekends. Legault said using the emergency powers offered by Trudeau against the protesters would be unwarranted and divisive.

“I think that at this moment, it would not help the social climate. There’s a lot of pressure right now, and I think we have to be careful. We really don’t need to throw oil on the fire,” he said.
At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead

The reports of athletes who suddenly collapse have been increasing noticeably lately. Heart problems such as heart inflammation are often the cause – one of the known life-threatening side effects of Covid vaccines, which even the manufacturers themselves warn against.

The current phenomenon is also evident if you simply look on Wikipedia at the list of footballers who have collapsed and died. The year 2021 stands out with 13 entries so far. In no other year mentioned have more footballers died during a game. And this list goes back to the year 1889. So it really is a historical event.

The mainstream media is curiously uninterested in this major global story. The German online outlet Wochenblick compiled a referenced list of the cardiac incidents in October while another online outlet Granite Grok published a new list of sportsmen collapsing on the field. Other outlets also listed these incidents, with some cases overlapping.

But these do not include Filipino professional basketball star Roider Cabrera who on Wednesday collapsed during tournament play in Pasig City. The Tribune from the Philippines reported he had a cardiac arrest. Roider Cabrera later lost consciousness inside the locker room before he was immediately rushed to hospital where he was diagnosed with fatal arrhythmia according to a local news.

Many top athletes from both Europe and the US have reported serious side effects after a Covid jab. For French professional tennis player Jérémy Chardy, it has meant the end of his career. Chardy, formerly ranked 73 in the world, said he has been unable to train and play. “Since I got my vaccine [between the Olympics and the US Open], I have a problem, I have a series of problems. As a result, I can’t train, I can’t play.”

Icelandic professional footballer Emil Pálsson (28) collapsed in the game between his club Sogndal IL and Stjørdals/Blink. As reported by German daily Bild, Pálsson collapsed during the game, according to the Norwegian broadcaster NRK and the newspaper Verdens Gang. According to his club, he suffered cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated.

This week, on November 24, in the middle of the second half of the game between Reading FC and Sheffield United, Sheffield player John Fleck (30) suddenly collapsed on the field due to a cardiac incident and had to be rushed to hospital.

Soccer star from Sheriff Tiraspol Adama Traore went down while holding his chest during the Champions League game against Real Madrid on Wednesday night.

In Montana, a Park City High School football player Jedd Hoffman, passed away this month, almost one week after collapsing on the field during practice. These are cases not yet listed in the ongoing carnage that the jabs have unleashed.


Heather McDonald boasts about being vaccinated, and then does a joke about Jesus loving her the most, and then collapses live on stage.


Comedian Who Collapsed on Stage Won’t Be Getting 4th Jab [Video]


I’m very sorry to hear your best friend's father just died. That’s a really bummer, R.I.P.
That's unfortunate but I wondered if that would be the case. As the virus mutates to be more lie a normal upper airway infection it should behave more like a normal upper airway infection which means a reversion to a more U-like curve affecting the young and old more than the middle, rather than the early COVID which spared the young.
On the positive side of the ledger, five times vanishingly small rates is still very low rates.

Health officials say that the links between vaccines and athlete deaths are baseless and that there is no evidence to suggest the vaccine is causing more deaths or injuries among athletes. Professional leagues have not reported any rise in such cases. A representative from the National Football League said there were no vaccine-related deaths or hospitalizations among roughly 3,000 players in the N.F.L. Ninety-five percent of the league’s players have been vaccinated.

Vaccine makers announce slowdowns for omicron-specific booster

Rows of small glass vials.

Vaccine makers are pushing back when omicron-specific COVID-19 vaccines could be ready for use. The shots were initially expected in March.
Delays in the vaccines' development come as cases of omicron have been dropping rapidly, and several animal studies have suggested the variant-specific formulations will not offer an advantage over the current vaccines.
BioNTech CEO Uğur Şahin on Wednesday said that his company's omicron-specific vaccine had been delayed by several weeks due to unexpectedly slow data gathering, according to Reuters. BioNTech and its COVID-19 vaccine partner, Pfizer, had announced last month that they had begun a clinical trial with the omicron-specific shot.
Meanwhile, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said Wednesday that Moderna's omicron-specific shot could now be ready by August, according to a separate Reuters report. Bancel did not provide an explanation for the slower timeline but said that the company was aiming to have the booster ready for the autumn, when he thinks more people will need a booster dose.
The slowdowns come as global cases decline and the US, in particular, is seeing a precipitous drop. US cases have fallen 68 percent in the last two weeks. Although hospitalizations and deaths are still high, those numbers are trending downward as well.

Looks like you are replying to my post about people passing out or dying after BOOSTER shot with a link about NFL players with standard vaccination. NFL players AFAIK have not been mandated for booster. The example listed in my post were specifically about the booster. There is a well known and accepted side effect that the mainstream even admits. Watch the clip above with Dr. Oz. He talks about the side effect, but claims it is still worth getting boosted. Anyone claiming there aren't tons of people experiencing problems with the booster in the first 2-3 weeks are simply ignoring empirical evidence and their own eyes.

News reporter passes out when talking about forcing injection​

(you have to click through for this video)

Brazilian Journalist Collapses And Has Five Heart Attacks Days After 3rd COVID Shot

A similar scenario played out last week during an Olympics broadcast by German-language news channel ZDF, where a cameraman was observed suffering a dizzy spell while filming a live report.

I'm just going to leave this here for you to watch or not. You may say it lacks context which is fair, but it also raises questions on it's own.

BBC: (some) Coof Jabs Contain HIV
You may say it lacks context which is fair, but it also raises questions on it's own.
It certainly raises one question; why didn't you do a simple check to see what the missing context is? ;)
BBC admits they use HIV to make the covid vaccine
"Admits"? The pejorative language in the caption should immediately have your bullshit detector twitching.
You're right to mention context, as it's everything here. That's a 35 second clip from an hour-and-a-half long Horizon documentary. (Horizon is always a good watch and I recommend you watch this one.)
"They" (whoever the "they" in the caption are) do not use HIV to make "the covid vaccine". An abandoned Australian vaccine which never made it into full production was developed using a piece of HIV protein. This is openly explained in the documentary, aired last summer. It's hardly a secret but nearly a year later it's sliced out of context and suddenly lunatics are all over Facebook, convinced it proves vaccines cause AIDS.
Took me all of 10 seconds to find this:
Professor Keith Chappell from the University of Queensland in Australia talks about the vaccine his team had developed, which used a spike protein similar to those found on the surface of the Covid-19 virus.

The spike protein had been stabilised with a small piece of protein from HIV, which was intended to hold the spike protein in its original form, to induce a stronger immune response.

However, some people who received trial doses returned positive HIV test results because they had developed antibodies against HIV. These were false positives as the participants didn’t actually have an HIV infection.

Subsequently the Queensland efforts to develop a vaccine were abandoned due to this issue.

All this is explained in the BBC documentary. However, some claims shared on social media only clip the segment where Professor Chappell talks about developing the vaccine using an HIV protein, not the later segments where it is explained the vaccine was abandoned.
Another question it raises; does this count as disinformation or is it merely misinformation?
This suggests the former:
The RBN story also includes a link to a BBC article published on February 10 about Prince Harry's support of HIV testing campaigns. This BBC article has no connection to COVID-19 or vaccine news. It is there simply to mislead readers because the common elements in the RBN narrative are the BBC and HIV.
Seems like RBN is a deliberately and maliciously misleading "news" source. A source which lies to you in order to make you think vaccines are more dangerous than they are.
Think about that and then think about what currently outrages you, and whether you might direct your ire somewhere more deserving.
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"They" (whoever the "they" in the caption are) do not use HIV to make "the covid vaccine". An abandoned Australian vaccine which never made it into full production was developed using a piece of HIV protein. This is openly explained in the documentary, aired last summer.

Wooooosh, over your head. You are comforted by Google "fact check" answers that I already alluded to. You are not the only one with access to Google.
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And yet we must vaccinate the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated from them.

Funny how that works. The official goal posts have now long been moved on from "vaccinated people cannot spread coof", and yet there is the tyrannical push to jab everyone 5+ times against their will if needed. Even Daddy Fauci is admitting the jab does zero to stop spread, but too many people pretend it does. NPC is a thing.

England Ditches Last COVID Restrictions, Boris Says 'Exercise Personal Responsibility'

The UK is getting back to life before COVID. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced an end to all remaining COVID-19 restrictions.

“We will remove all remaining domestic restrictions in law. From this Thursday, the 24th of February, we will end the legal requirement to self isolate following a positive test,” Johnson told parliament. “We will end routine contact tracing, and no longer ask fully vaccinated close contacts and those under 18 to test daily for seven days. And we will remove the legal requirement for close contacts who are not fully vaccinated to self-isolate.”

“Until 1 April, we will still advise people who test positive to stay at home,” he continued. “But after that, we will encourage people with Covid-19 symptoms to exercise personal responsibility, just as we encourage people who may have flu to be considerate to others.”

Johnson added that the government would also “expire all temporary provisions of the Coronavirus Act.”

As far as England goes, it’s over.

I'm getting the impression that most conspiracy theories here should be replaced with incompetence.

Ivermectin fails COVID trial. Study links use to politics

"Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that US prescribing of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin during the COVID-19 pandemic may have been influenced by political affiliation,"

Key Points
Question Does adding ivermectin, an inexpensive and widely available antiparasitic drug, to the standard of care reduce the risk of severe disease in patients with COVID-19 and comorbidities?

Findings In this open-label randomized clinical trial of high-risk patients with COVID-19 in Malaysia, a 5-day course of oral ivermectin administered during the first week of illness did not reduce the risk of developing severe disease compared with standard of care alone.

Meaning The study findings do not support the use of ivermectin for patients with COVID-19.
And yet we must vaccinate the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated from them.
Vaccination isn't bullet proof - I caught it after vaccination.
However, vaccination appears to make you less likely to:
Catch it in the first place.
Spread it if you do catch it.
Have serious illness if you do catch it.
Develop long term illness if you do catch it.

Therefore it stands to reason that coming into contact with unvaccinated people poses a higher risk than contact with vaccinated people, even if you yourself are already vaccinated.