Suddenly vaccine skepticism has gone mainstream.


Beam was charged with endangering a child because, and I can't stress this enough, she endangered a child-- her child. Or "allegedly" endangered a child. Even though she was caught with her son in the trunk of her car and admitted why. Legally speaking, it's still "allegedly." Doesn't matter. Judge Chris Morton ruled on Thursday that there was no probable cause for the charge of endangering a child: The child that Sarah Beam put in the trunk of her car and drove around in.

The District Attorney's office says they'll keep reviewing the case, and may take it to a grand jury if they find a more appropriate charge. Beam's attorney disputes the facts of the case, and adds that even if the facts were true "the judge has acknowledged with his finding that my client did not place her child in imminent danger of bodily harm." Yes, the son that the volunteers at the testing center found in the trunk of her car. Allegedly.
Promoting answers to questions like this really give me pause about intentions here. They say here as soon as your symptoms end, you should go get a booster. Hopefully I don't need to bother to explain how stupid that is to say on so many levels. On the same subject, my company is pushing for mandatory booster shots. I just got finished with an absolute zero symptom infection. My body has a strong immunity. No way in hell I am getting a booster. It makes zero sense.

How soon can I get a vaccine/booster after COVID-19 infection?​


Israeli study shows 4th vaccine shot ‘not good enough’ against Omicron

A study conducted at Sheba Medical Center indicates a fourth shot of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine provides insufficient protection against the Omicron variant of the virus.

The data appears to raise serious questions regarding Israel’s current strategy of boosting all people over the age of 60.

Prof. Gili Regev-Yochay, a top infectious disease expert at the hospital, says the results of the research are only preliminary, but acknowledges there is high public interest in the matter.

“We see an increase in antibodies, higher than after the third dose,” she says. “However, we see many infected with Omicron who received the fourth dose.
Those who die of COVID tend to die primarliy from their own immune system going haywire and attacking the body even after the infection has been dealt with.
I've got a sinking feeling that what happens in the body of the doomed is an analog of what we are seeing in the public health response of Western nations.

MAHER MAKING WAVES: ‘I’m Over COVID,’ Fauci and CDC ‘Don’t Know a Lot About Anything’

Real Time host Bill Maher spoke with Deadline about all things Fauci and COVID. The comedian is fed up with masks, boosters and lock downs —and he especially doesn’t like the authoritarian nature of the Fauci regime.

“We should not treat people unfairly who want to allow their own immune system to take care of the situation,” Maher says.

Deadline responds: “It sounds like you really don’t think Dr. Anthony Fauci or the medical establishment really know what they are doing, that this is more whack-a-mole?”

“They don’t know a lot about anything,” Maher responded, adding that while we’ve come a long way from “putting wooden teeth in our mouth like in the George Washington era … in general, we still don’t understand too much about how the human body works.”

“So, don’t sit there in your white coat and tell me, ‘Just do what we say. When have we ever been wrong?’ ‘A lot,’ is my answer. ‘A lot,’” Maher said.
“We should not treat people unfairly who want to allow their own immune system to take care of the situation,” Maher says.
Our physical integrity indeed is the very base of our rights.
However, a hospital might choose not to treat people who aren't vaccinated as well if they don't have the capacity and have to make choices.
And the question also arises, who has more right to freedom, those who chose not to get vaccinated or those who are involutarily vulnerable to caughing and sneezing unvaccinated?
Does society have to trip on it's toes forever for the vulnerable, or just push them out of it's way in the name of freedom?
Our physical integrity indeed is the very base of our rights.
However, a hospital might choose not to treat people who aren't vaccinated as well if they don't have the capacity and have to make choices.
And the question also arises, who has more right to freedom, those who chose not to get vaccinated or those who are involutarily vulnerable to caughing and sneezing unvaccinated?
Does society have to trip on it's toes forever for the vulnerable, or just push them out of it's way in the name of freedom?

Here in the states the CDC no longer claims the jab stops infections or transmission whatsoever, only lessening severity to the infected.
"There are different scenarios for how the pandemic could play out and how the acute phase could end," Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a WHO executive board meeting Monday. "But it is dangerous to assume that omicron will be the last variant or that we are in the endgame. On the contrary, globally, the conditions are ideal for more variants to emerge."

Many US experts and officials have expressed cautious hope that the towering omicron wave could signal the final throes of the pandemic. In this beatific vision, the country will see a lull in transmission after COVID-19 cases peak and decline. With at least 15.8 million people infected just since the start of this year, the ultra-transmissible variant is significantly boosting collective immunity across the US, which already has 63 percent of the population fully vaccinated.

But such hopes have been dashed by the pandemic virus before. In fact, omicron swept the nation before some areas were able to shake the previously reigning variant, the hyper-transmissible delta variant. And although omicron causes proportionally less severe disease than delta, its lightning-fast spread is still overwhelming health care systems in the US and worldwide.

And with so many people getting infected, the risk of new variants evolving is only heightened.
Old Neil spitting the dummy at Spotify for hosting Joe Rogan. Up to him and, to be fair, the little I've heard of Rogan's show lately has been beyond dreadful. Not sure this will change anything though.
I love NY's music and seeing him live was one of the greatest gigs I've been to but I still jump to him claiming his old ears could tell the difference between a 320kbps mp3 and a .wav file whenever he opines on anything so I'm a bit biased.

Neil Young tells Spotify it can’t have both him and Joe Rogan anymore

Musician wants streaming platform to address "fake information" on vaccines.

Old Neil spitting the dummy at Spotify for hosting Joe Rogan. Up to him and, to be fair, the little I've heard of Rogan's show lately has been beyond dreadful. Not sure this will change anything though.
I love NY's music and seeing him live was one of the greatest gigs I've been to but I still jump to him claiming his old ears could tell the difference between a 320kbps mp3 and a .wav file whenever he opines on anything so I'm a bit biased.

Neil Young tells Spotify it can’t have both him and Joe Rogan anymore

Musician wants streaming platform to address "fake information" on vaccines.


Well, yes, but Neil Young was also right about Lynyrd Skynyrd.

This video is from Feb 2020. As usual Thunderf00t gets right to the science. If you want to see the graphs they start around 6 minutes. This is what I saw 2 years ago and realized how dangerous it was to ignore a virus. Too bad idiot politicians weren't so aware.

this one (march 2020) has predictions on how many people would die if people did nothing

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Well, yes, but Neil Young was also right about Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Yes, I've always heard that despite the song Sweet Home Alabama, Neil and the band Lynyrd remained friends throughout. That's something that is sorely lacking in much of modern society, remaining friends with someone you disagree with on issues especially political ones.

Most here probably aren't a fan of Paul Joseph Watson. He brings up some good points about this situation He's not completely convinced it Neil who did the demand himself. It could have been his much younger wife, Daryl Hannah, who's known for her much further left activism. Then there's the fact Neil sold the rights to his music catalog, so legally he can't make the demand unilaterally. There is also something I forgot about entirely. He did a whole album relatively recently blasting GMOs and Monsanto.

I started this yesterday and never got to finish it. I probably had more thoughts to add, but I don't entirely remember. I saw the draft just now and figured share anyhow.
Welp, another best friend's father just died of the coof. He was in his 80s and has had major health issues in recent years. As in severe issues with extended hospital stays. One thing is for sure. The coof is a death sentence for people with severe underlying conditions. That makes 2/3 best friends' fathers :-( I was fairly close with this one :(
There is also something I forgot about entirely. He did a whole album relatively recently blasting GMOs and Monsanto.
I saw him play some of those songs live. It was an incredible gig.
I'm not sure I made myself clear earlier. I think Neil Young is an absolute colossus when it comes to music and song writing. I absolutely adore him and tears of joy were shed at the last gig, it was so good.
However, like almost all of my musical heroes, there have been times when I thought he was a bit of an arsehole.
Welp, another best friend's father just died of the coof. He was in his 80s and has had major health issues in recent years. As in severe issues with extended hospital stays. One thing is for sure. The coof is a death sentence for people with severe underlying conditions. That makes 2/3 best friends' fathers :-( I was fairly close with this one :(
Sorry to hear that. Yes, it is a truly horrible disease. We have both been fortunate in that our experience with it was relatively benign.