Wayne said:
Boiling through it all, the simple fact is that religion is what brought us to the sorry state that the world is in today.
One might argue that man-made religion is the root of all evil.
Since all religions are man-made this is redundant. In fact, only humans are religious. We are the only animals that organize groups based on philosophies. Furthermore we are the only creatures that anthropomorphize. No other creature imagines other creatures or inanimate objects or natural phenomena are in the least human-like.
Faith on the other hand, does not.
Faith is an interesting word because it simply means trusting or accepting as true. It doesn't actually mean that a thing is true. You can have complete and unwavering faith in a total falsehood. Take for example the people that anthropomorphize the universe as a person and then have faith that that entity cares about them personally. This is a very comforting "faith" and it allows people to go about their lives without having to worry about stuff they can't do anything about. It is a useful coping mechanism but having faith that the universe would not do them wrong in no way influences the reality of a dispassionate universe. Up until the universe unthinkingly wipes them out it feels good. After the fact it is moot.
But faith also allows for great evil in that one can have faith that they are doing good, so faith is no great antidote to doing evil under the false pretense of doing good.
When you leave behind both religion (which depends on and uses faith) and faith itself you find yourself in the rather uncomfortable position of discovering that there is no certainty and no good and evil but a lot of calculations with varying positive and negative trade offs. This is true, but difficult to deal with. In a way it is a luxury that many people cannot afford.
In a way, religion and faith are forms of stereotyping. Stereotyping is often viewed as a negative thing but we all use it and it saves a lot of time while it may be unfair. If we are walking down a street and see a certain type of individual (no specifics needed) and we cross the street to avoid them it doesn't mean that the person we saw will live up to the stereo type. It's simply that to stop and talk and find out if they are like their stereo type or not is a lot of effort and chances are, they are very much like their stereo type.
We recoil instinctively from snakes and spiders not because all snakes and spiders are poisonous, but because enough are that it isn't worth the effort finding out which is which in general day to day activities.
While these latter stereotypes are negatives, faith is about stereotyping the entire universe as benevolent and safe and amenable to appeals. It doesn't make it so, but it helps us get by in a dangerous world.